I agree with Alex (and so I too agree and disagree with Silverblade
Our anger and our well-founded sense of injustice are just inevitable, nobody can wish that away, and we
should feel that way, we should not let ourselves be devalued by passively accepting our fate. Anger, focused properly, can be and is a positive emotion. But it has to be focused, it has to be expressed in an effective way. 'Temper tantrums' are entirely natural, understandable and forgiveable - but they are also counter-productive, and they are just a beginning as we rediscover our humanity: we all have to strive to use our anger as an effective energy by controlling it and letting it drive actions that achieve positive results. And yes, it isn't easy...
But as this thread (and other recent events) highlights, those who wish to keep the realities of ME/CFS hidden from view will automatically grab any opportunity to paint us as an angry mob of crazy and unreasonable people. It's like a reflex for them, and it's obviously an effective strategy in undermining us.
"...if someone abuses an innocent party, if someone is a rotten son of a bitch etc" then they [STRIKE]DESERVE[/STRIKE]
ENJOY the ire and ranting of their victims".
The more we can show that the people who misrepresent us are the unreasonable ones, the clearer our case will be.
But where I agree with Silverblade is,
first you've got to get mad - you've got to say: I'm a human being goddammit, my life has value!