Blood tested, confused - please help


Senior Member
Dear community,
ma GP has done the general testing of blood- Some of the results confused me, so here´s my question:

He reported that my folic acid value is above norm level, and so is Vitamine B 12.

I take both of them as supplements according to the Dr Myhill protocol. Is it possible by any means to have them too high in the blood yet too low elsewhere, or should I really stop supplementing? I felt like I had a mental improvement and better mood, but as I do not only follow the Myhill protocol but also take a Vitamin complex (Rocky Mountains) and several minerals (sodium, potassium, calcium) and found PR which meant great mental relief, I do not know whether the improvement is caused by the protocol or different stuff. I would not want to stop with any of this without being certain that I have to.

Further results were:
No current EBV or Borrelia, only past ones. Any value regarding liver, kidney, inflammation is normal to splendid. ANA in normal range. Only thing: High Cholesterol.

My symptoms at present are severe fatigue (almost bedridden due to that), OI, sensitivity to light and sound (not always, but after exertion increases), moderate sinusitis, moderate ileitis, PEM, mood swings, anxiety and panic attacks, poor sleep quality, often muscular pain or sore muscles, increasingly after exertion, kognitive symptoms like not finding the correct word and short term memory impaired.

So what now? I do not want to finish up in the psychiatric corner again too soon. I would be grateful for any suggestions for further testing - I can´t do too muc of it as almost bedridden with crashes after getting outside, otherwise I´d consider going to a CFS doc...

I know you guys are no docs, neither am I. I am only interested in what you think. Of course the decision is my own then, but some hint or similarity would help understand better.

Thank you!!


Senior Member
yes, @Valentijn that is what de doc stated!
I'd look into more extensive testing for that one. It can cause a lot of ME symptoms itself, and probably sometimes leads into ME the same way that some other infections do. I'm also not sure how possible it is for someone to have completely cleared the infection without any assistance from antibiotics.

Infectolab in Germany has a very good test for it. It's rate for false negative results (where someone has the bacteria but still tests negative) is about 10%, but that's still MUCH better than the typical tests, which have about a 50% rate of false negatives. And its false positive rate is extremely low ... something like 2 or 3% - much better than many mainstream tests.


Senior Member
@Valentijn Thank you so much for your kind advice! I tested positive for a past EBV as well two years ago (but not now) - do you think this is interesting to look after as well? I am also not aware of ever having suffered from EBV, and to me it sounded strange when the doc two years ago told me thelongterm titres were high. On the other hand he also said this were normal in most of the people so it would mean nothing. In any case I will check the Borrelia, thanks again!


Senior Member
Rocky Mountains
For what it is worth, I see a MD at an alternative medical establishment, and she was pleased my B12 was above range... I supplement as well.


Senior Member
Found out that the B12 testing is only reliable if tested for lack of holotranscobalamin! Don´t know how to ask my doc for that without communicating the message that I think he is wrong by simply testing th b12 in the serum... Wow, it´s really a lot to learn. Interestingly, folic acid nd B6 were too high, too, and I found out they collaborate for important vital functions. And that people with intestinal diseases are at risk of lacking b12 etc. I still do not have any idea how, but I think the key to much of my troubles is the gut and the intracellular lack of important stuff. Still grateful for any suggestion :) PS: @BadBadBear, I will continue the supplementing at least for another while. O do not want to cause damage, but as long as I feel better this is what will be my guide.