Blood pressure spikes

57 BP started getting high along the same time I first started experiencing symptoms, prior to which it had always been low. Then I started having spikes in BP 2-3 years ago. I’d been pretty good, then I checked this thread, and this week it’s been spiking again. So thanks for that 😉 (really just kidding)

My thought is that (for me) it is GI related. I’ve had multiple strong positives for SIBO and have been having nausea and stomach pains all week along with the BP spikes. Unfortunately I haven’t found any treatments that work beyond laying down and sometimes drinking some water.

vision blue

Senior Member
I was getting ready to go into hibernation when i saw this thread. I had no idea how many people were also affected (I have spiked to 220/110 and it lasts a while); more people seem to talk about low blood pressure because of the orthostatic problem POTs folk have with standing. So i figured I was alone in my crises. I have dysautonmia and mast cell stuff and my bp seems to get whipped around like a pinball. Mostly to high, but after a nap lying down, mine will drop more than 40 points. but everything pushes it around: position (high, not low), certain foods, striving to do anything,; probalby all the things that cause someones bp to fluctuae 5 points if that, but mine can't get the right equilibriam (nor can my body temperature). Oddly, after a hot summer and i didn't use a/c, my resting bp seems to have come down (I know bp is lower in warmer climates- vessels dilate).
Agree ther's a vessel problem, but i guess iwth autodysfunciton , regulating proper dilation of blood vessels can be an issue. Also agree that the increased sympathetic tone that many of us have sure plays a roll. I will read thru the rest of the posts and then sadly go into hibernation.

vision blue

Senior Member
Just saw aspen's post on electolytes. That's interesting. I wonder if mine has gone down a bit lately because i have been able to tolerate very smll amounts of "flow" water which ha s a ph of 8 and small bits of electolyites i usually can't tolerate. could be a coincidence though for me.

anyone chart their bp fluctuations throughout the day? i think mine have a different pattern than many sinc emine goes down in the afternoon. its high on awakeing and then climbs in monrning.