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Blood heating Vs jemsek approach

Hi all,

Doing research in to the best approach for treatment. Lyme and Bart plus EBV and Coxsackie.

My Lyme was +3 +2 and 1...EBV/Cox titer.

I am wary of long term anti biotics as I suffer UTIs at times and currently have had a very bad gut since the day I got sick 4yrs back.

Blood heating scares me and Taliha Smith was in the media for having this..combined with stem cell work (not sure why stem cell).

I am looking at all options but not simply herbal.

Thanks in advance ☺


wiggle jiggle
such a 'who dies first' game...

in the very googling beginnings i found i would just need to drink an aquarium cleaner, ideally...


Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA
On the first day of her treatment Tahlia underwent blood filtration, and Mr Smith said the process removed 'all this yellow liquid in various shades'.

'Dr Straube explained that some was heavy metals, pesticides, toxins but the most was inflammation,' he said.

Yup. Yellow-colored inflammation. Does anyone know about 'blood filtration'? This seriously looks like blood plasma.

I also find it comical that the article states that in Australia, they don't believe in Lyme disease. (They believe in Lyme, but maybe not persisters, or maybe not locally... just the way they put it makes it sound as though all Aussies are in denial that there is any such disease or organism as Lyme.)

42 degrees Celsius is... 107.6 degrees F.

Our own cells start to die around 41 degrees C.

@roller has hit the nail on the head. It's a contest to the death: who is stronger, Lyme or this young woman?

She must be very ill for it to have come to this: she must feel it's this roll of the dice vs certain death. I hope they have informed her that brain damage is highly likely, if she does survive.

But you know, I don't think we need any more research on this illness. I'm sure things as they are now is just fine. :mad:



almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
Normally I refrain from dissing a treatment, but hyperthermia is not something that ever appealed to me. Not only is it most likely dangerous, it doesn't seem to have all that impressive a track record. If it were that strong a therapy there would be a whole lot more positive testimonies from patients. I don't even know of any LLMD's that recommend it.

sarah darwins

Senior Member
Cornwall, UK
Normally I refrain from dissing a treatment, but hyperthermia is not something that ever appealed to me. Not only is it most likely dangerous, it doesn't seem to have all that impressive a track record. If it were that strong a therapy there would be a whole lot more positive testimonies from patients. I don't even know of any LLMD's that recommend it.
It does seem a very counterintuitive approach. I was under the impression that borrelia did everything it could to get out of the bloodstream and into other tissues where it's much happier. In fact, I'm sure I've read that borrelia spirochetes actually move faster through connective tissues than through blood, so well adapted is it to that environment.
Thanks all ☺

I guess I want to try to find a treatment that is doing well. Downside to Jemsek is years of antibiotics which worry me really. That in itself can make you sick as you age.

I shall take a look at these links you have all posted.
