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Bladder infections due to infection


Senior Member
United Kingdom
To anyone here who's been plagued by these because of their ME have you ever found anything that gets rid of them? I'm on my second one this autumn now. First one I had for 12 days because of the flu vaccine. Now I've got a nasty cold but apparently isn't covid but again another infection.

Just wondered if anyone has come across anything that helps. I take probiotics and prebiotics every day so I think it's something to do with a bug that starts in the stomach but quickly moves to other areas as I probably crowd it out rather fast with the probiotics and anti microbials.



Senior Member
I haven't had UTI symptoms for some years , but my urinalysis dip sticks always show low to moderate leukocytes.

I've been taking lactoferrin for 3 wks. now, and the leukocytes are reduced to trace to low.


"In summary, these data demonstrate the protective effects of lactoferrin in UTI through both antiadhesive and immune modulatory activity. Our findings reveal the bladder epithelium as an endogenous source of lactoferrin during UTI, highlighting lactoferrin as a potent therapeutic target of interest in resolving or preventing UTI. Further studies are needed to distinguish the mechanisms by which lactoferrin mediates immune responses in the bladder."


Senior Member
I don't know whether it's due to ME or not, but I have had UTIs twice in the last few years. Cipro worked great the first time, but didn't clear it the most recent time. Amoxicillin plus the addition to help it reach the urinary tract worked well.

I take probiotics and prebiotics every day so I think it's something to do with a bug that starts in the stomach but quickly moves to other areas as I probably crowd it out rather fast with the probiotics and anti microbials.

No, my understanding is that UTIs typically enter via the urethra, so pre or probiotics in your gut won't help. Drinking lots of fluid, to help flush out the bacteria, is supposed to help. My doctor recommended cranberry juice, but my online reading said that there's no clinical evidence that it makes any difference (the active compound breaks down long before it reaches the bladder). BTW, the typical cranberry juice in stores doesn't have much of the active compound, so it wouldn't be any more helpful than any other drink.

It's really hard to convince myself to drink extra fluid when I can't get any to come out and my bladder already feels like its ready to burst. :nervous:


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
I had a severe kidney infection many years ago, and I think it damaged my right kidney, which ended up hurting most of the time. It would just be sore without any infection. I had testing done (I forget the name) but nothing showed up. After that I was prone to frequent UTIs. This improved after I quit smoking and started drinking filtered water, though it was still a frequent problem.

A few years ago I started taking a cranberry supplement daily - it's quite cheap - and I almost never get UTIs any more. Actually I can't remember the last one. I take 3 of these a day, one with each meal: Cranberry Supplement = 8 oz Cranberry Juice - Swanson Health Products (swansonvitamins.com)

Also, my kidney rarely hurts any more though occasionally I get a twinge. But nothing like before. My blood work never shows any kidney problem.

I have a sister who is prone to UTIs, and swears by unsweetened cranberry juice. I've urged her to try the cranberry softgels, but no go (yet). For me it's easier and cheaper to prevent it in the first place.

Here's an article you might find interesting: Does Cranberry Juice Help Treat UTIs? Myth vs. Science (healthline.com) which interestingly says:
It’s important to note that cranberry extract, which is different from cranberry juice, has more evidence supporting its ability to help prevent UTIs from recurring in certain populations.

This is because cranberry supplements are a more concentrated source of the active compounds thought to be helpful in UTI treatment.


Senior Member
To anyone here who's been plagued by these because of their ME have you ever found anything that gets rid of them? I'm on my second one this autumn now. First one I had for 12 days because of the flu vaccine. Now I've got a nasty cold but apparently isn't covid but again another infection.

Just wondered if anyone has come across anything that helps. I take probiotics and prebiotics every day so I think it's something to do with a bug that starts in the stomach but quickly moves to other areas as I probably crowd it out rather fast with the probiotics and anti microbials.

Look into D-mannose...did you have a bacterial culture test,because it also could be just internal bladder irritation,I have tons of different bladder probs on an off ,but it's never a bacterial problem


Senior Member
My mother used to get uti all the time.
(She used cranberry supplement daily,)
I got a tip about hiprex,
she used it daily, and didn’t get any more infection..


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Hi all.

Thanks for the replies. I purposely didn't go into huge detail but I'll elaborate. It tends to start with a smell after urination and then an ice cold burning sensation that doesn't sting at the tip. This then tends to travel up the urethra and into the bladder. Once it reaches the bladder I get other symptoms like chills maybe veyr mild sweats.

But I do find it's much worse after ejaculation. I think this is because there must be bacteria in my prostate which reaches my urethra and then the bacteria go to work so to speak.

Sorry for the graphic info!

Lactoferrin isn't something I've ever tried for this but I've got some so I'll give it a go. D-mannose works for e-coli but I've never had that come back as positive. I haven't even had it come back positive on the Dr Merkov dip slides so I'm fairly confident I don't have it.
Interestingly I did urinate on the slide this week whilst having early viral issues but no uti symptoms. And there is something growing on it at present. Of course I have no way to really figure out what it is.

Irritation is another issue for me definfiely. I get that in the lining of the urethra itself but never the bladder. It does hurt a lot when I get it.

But I never ever got any of these prior to having ME.

I'll lookup hiprex and the crannyberry juice tablets tho. Maybe they might help :) I worry about infections because my body is having more and more difficult fighitjng them off. I suspect my issues with neutropenia are linked to my issues with bacterial infections.


Senior Member
Lactoferrin also reduces adherence of other microbes, sorry , I didn't read thoroughly,

treatment with bovine lactoferrin reduced the adherence of Streptococcus dysgalactiae to mammary epithelial cells [72]. More generally, lactoferrin coating of glass surfaces reduces adherence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus [73]. The mechanism by which bacterial adhesion to the bladder is blocked by hLf remains to be determined, and it is possible that hLf acts either through host-bacterial receptor antagonism as seen previously with E. coli 055:B5 [74] and S. uberis [75]

Also sorry for the large E. coli bit. I'm a female, and we get the ' wipe front to back ' comment all the time with
UTI treatment. I was so intent on the lactoferrin, I forgot about the implications of E. coli. Ugh
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Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
My understanding is Interstitial Cystitis is considered to be one of the most difficult bladder infections to treat, and ozone therapy apparently can be very effective in treating it. I started the following thread on the subject:

Ozone Apparently Effective for Treating Interstitial Cystitis

I've long been aware of ozonated olive oil capsules, but just recently learned that ozonated hemp oil capsules can hold more ozone than olive oil. -- The following is actually a really good deal, and I wasn't able to find anything else that approached the value.

PurO3 Ozonated Hemp Oil Capsules

I once read that Nikola Tesla started the first ozonated olive oil company back in the early 1900's after he heard about all the amazing benefits that were being attributed to it in the medical literature of the time. Too bad we don't hear more about it these days.


Senior Member
Cranberry supplements certainly changed my urine dipslide results and no more bacteria is appearing in the urine. I haven't found it helping with the UTI related stuff.