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Bill Gates on Vaccines


Senior Member

There's pretty good data showing that people pop out more kids when there are higher mortality rates and health insecurity.

The way natural news has presented that quote is really disgusting. (OMG - I can't believe how long that article was... that's the craziest thing I've read in some time).
I'm just putting it up for people to make their own interpretation. The article is a little squirrely for sure. I haven't seen him discussing the statistics you describe though(about healthier kids producing less children) in the Charlie Rose interview.

THere is a video too where you can see Bill Gates Directly in that natural news article.

Bill also said a very similar thing in a recent intereview with Charlie Rose.



Senior Member
You should watch the presentation, it is actually extremely good



Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
Oh good GOD there is NOTHING controversial about CLimate Change to 99% of the world's scientists, go ask them, jebuz! :(
"Climate gate", right, you have actually read it have you? Guess what: academics are people, and p*ssed off people because the coal and other polluting inustries have been funding pundits to spew crap to deluded folk, attack their work and even harass them personally, hm?
Ever saw what the tobacco companies did to cancer researchers etc? SAME THING.

I am sick to death of hearing folk regurgitate crap JunkScience and other industry-backed pundits spew :/
No, volcanoes do not produce anything like the amount of CO2 we Humans do, we produce at the very least, 100 times more CO2 than all the worlds volcanoes ocmbined, go ask the US geological survey, you know, actual experts, not funded by tobacco, oil and coal companies, hm?

Even heard nitwits claim CO2 is not a greenhouse gas...you cna test that yourself very easily! just take 2 empty soda bottles, fit each with a thermometer, fill one with CO2 from a Sodatream or similar fizzy drinks machine, put both bottles in a sunny window or grrnhouse and watch temperature inside the bottle.

Humans are both creating a new geogolical age AND a mass extinction, that's how terrible our impact has become. We move more rock and earth than all the Earth's rivers combined, we're wiping out nealry all the non-domesticated large animals...ugh!

I'm not some idiot who wants us to go live in mud huts, there was no "magical Golden Age", I now very well how awful things were in times past, but we're going to wipe our silly selves out at this rate of continous destruction. We are a large land animal, highly reliant upon a bio-sphere status quo we are screwing with, that's incredibly stupid :(

Anyway as for BIll gates...haha, check his company's history, not exaclty what I'd call a flagship of moral superiority or reliability :p And as we're now seeing, vaccines are not the "problem free miracle" they have been sold as.

Vaccines yes, helpful, IF DONE RIGHT. but the folks in Africa also need education and civil engineering to sort out problems.
The West screwed up: Colonial systems at least gave some stability and infrastructure but left lingering resentments and conflicts form horrible abuse and partions not based on local needs
later IMF/American resources theft was even worse than the Colonial systems and while there was no direct abuse it supported insane dictators and did litle true solid and sane infrastructure work (Peace Corp folk are awesome, but lots of bad stuff has gone on, see why African gays are now being killed, or the nutty stuff the IMF has done)
Now the Chinese of all folks are actually getting things working there, ah the irony, so they are taking more and more resources as locals see the CHinese systems working, sure there's bribes, but the Chinese dont' tolerate folk screwing around, and want stability.

It's STABILITY like it or not, that eventually leads to positive change. Stability = education, civil engineering etc, as time goes on, cultures change, settle, improve. Public health is factor in promoting stability.
Sorry to break it to people but "Democracy" does not magically enter people's heads, no matter the silly crap that's been said. It takes cultures a long time to "grow up" to the true understanding of what *practical* Democracy actually is, and a desire to support it. Without strong support for the rule of law, amity, no support for violence or tribal crap etc, democracy cannot happen.
Go look at the history of the UK to grasp this. You have to think on a historic timescale. The rare farsighted, wise individual is NOT the issue, the problem is always that the culture has to evolve to support Democracy.

/rant off ;)
Oh good GOD there is NOTHING controversial about CLimate Change to 99% of the world's scientists, go ask them, jebuz! :(
"Climate gate", right, you have actually read it have you? Guess what: academics are people, and p*ssed off people because the coal and other polluting inustries have been funding pundits to spew crap to deluded folk, attack their work and even harass them personally, hm?
Ever saw what the tobacco companies did to cancer researchers etc? SAME THING.

I am sick to death of hearing folk regurgitate crap JunkScience and other industry-backed pundits spew :/
No, volcanoes do not produce anything like the amount of CO2 we Humans do, we produce at the very least, 100 times more CO2 than all the worlds volcanoes ocmbined, go ask the US geological survey, you know, actual experts, not funded by tobacco, oil and coal companies, hm?

Even heard nitwits claim CO2 is not a greenhouse gas...you cna test that yourself very easily! just take 2 empty soda bottles, fit each with a thermometer, fill one with CO2 from a Sodatream or similar fizzy drinks machine, put both bottles in a sunny window or grrnhouse and watch temperature inside the bottle.

Humans are both creating a new geogolical age AND a mass extinction, that's how terrible our impact has become. We move more rock and earth than all the Earth's rivers combined, we're wiping out nealry all the non-domesticated large animals...ugh!

I'm not some idiot who wants us to go live in mud huts, there was no "magical Golden Age", I now very well how awful things were in times past, but we're going to wipe our silly selves out at this rate of continous destruction. We are a large land animal, highly reliant upon a bio-sphere status quo we are screwing with, that's incredibly stupid :(

Anyway as for BIll gates...haha, check his company's history, not exaclty what I'd call a flagship of moral superiority or reliability :p And as we're now seeing, vaccines are not the "problem free miracle" they have been sold as.

Vaccines yes, helpful, IF DONE RIGHT. but the folks in Africa also need education and civil engineering to sort out problems.
The West screwed up: Colonial systems at least gave some stability and infrastructure but left lingering resentments and conflicts form horrible abuse and partions not based on local needs
later IMF/American resources theft was even worse than the Colonial systems and while there was no direct abuse it supported insane dictators and did litle true solid and sane infrastructure work (Peace Corp folk are awesome, but lots of bad stuff has gone on, see why African gays are now being killed, or the nutty stuff the IMF has done)
Now the Chinese of all folks are actually getting things working there, ah the irony, so they are taking more and more resources as locals see the CHinese systems working, sure there's bribes, but the Chinese dont' tolerate folk screwing around, and want stability.

It's STABILITY like it or not, that eventually leads to positive change. Stability = education, civil engineering etc, as time goes on, cultures change, settle, improve. Public health is factor in promoting stability.
Sorry to break it to people but "Democracy" does not magically enter people's heads, no matter the silly crap that's been said. It takes cultures a long time to "grow up" to the true understanding of what *practical* Democracy actually is, and a desire to support it. Without strong support for the rule of law, amity, no support for violence or tribal crap etc, democracy cannot happen.
Go look at the history of the UK to grasp this. You have to think on a historic timescale. The rare farsighted, wise individual is NOT the issue, the problem is always that the culture has to evolve to support Democracy.

/rant off ;)

Glad you had a good rant. I think I had that one coming with this thread :)

My main concern was that statement from Bill Gates on reducing population.

One question is eating away at me, and I will keep an open mind to any possible explanation until I am convinced I have the answer. Why has the CDC ignored a biological research into CFIDS for so long, while simultaneously spewing out loads of psychobabble "CFS" research? (edit: probably knowing that a retrovirus was causing the problems all along as Defreitas alerted them back in the 1990's)

I'll take it one step futher. Given retrovirus research and gene therapy research have been around for at least 20 years, I find it indefensible that scientists are going through this monkey motion garbage with 0/0 studies, while at the same time, trying to figure out the best methods for discovering retroviruses. After 20 years, they can come up with 0/0 and not have good processes for contamination? Keep in mind, the 0/0 studies were sent out within a few short days with news articles claiming the debate is over.

Not to mention the utter lack of collaboration between the science community on such a complex subject.

This whole process has been a real stinker.


Senior Member
Marckmc.......I found that statement from Gates...so incredible I had to read it a few times -to ensure my brain had understood it and the implications!

You raise legitimate concerns and very good questions.

What I also find interesting is the fact that HIV was discovered using culture methods and was accepted. XMRV was found using the same method regarded as the gold standard.....and yet here we are, 1.5yrs later still questioning whether the virus is even real! (even though we have budding virus and antibodies to viral proteins).Yet culture method on only two HIV subjects (compared to 75? In the Lombardi labs) was good enough to move forward with HIV research!

So can someone explain to me, why we are still giving so much attention to basic pcr and contamination theories from scientists that are not are not even trying to use the same methodology, as the original study in Science? I do not have time for scientists that will not put their egos aside and work with and seek guidance from those who found it the first time. They are wasting time and money, not to mention causing unnecessary confusion.

Of course the blood working group stepped in, to try and remedy some of these issues,,,,,and didn't they do a sterling job (not!) ie: ph II, that became phIIA that became ....er..well that was a mess,,,so let's just move on shall we? Who was responsible for the design of that mess?

Agree with you that this whole process has been a stinker. And then to add insult to injury the common man reading ADM article on the front page of the WSJ will not be reading about these matters but instead will be left wondering why we are so unreasonable.


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
hehe no worries mate ;)
I do believe conspiracies occur, in fact, it's how the real world actually works out of sight:
deals are stuck in boardrooms; dodgy dictators supported at meetings in resorts where ministers/elites meet up; company A pays folk to steal industrial secretsof company B...and of coruse, they cover up ME/CFS, Gulf War Syndrome and other stuff that would cost them money, force changes and so on. It's jsut not some single perfectly workiong Uber-organization, jsut lots of rich/powerful folk and groups screwing around.
Just pathetic, sigh. Been going on since Julius Ceasar had a "bizarre gardening accident" in the Forum where a lawnmower ran over him 41 times...yes indeedy! nothing to do with all thoe senators, eh, Brutus? :p

Go have a good read up on the Tobacco companies crap, forget the name of the "Operation" they set up to promote their drug, hide evidence, buy folk off etc, really eye opening.

bit from this ot grasp the SOBs way they covered up the problems, and made billions, as milliosn died

Tobacco Companies methods to hide how bad their legal said:
1) Shift the focus of the debate away from the health, safety and/or the environmental damage caused by a product and onto the economic contribution that the detrimental product makes to the country;
2) Argue that legislation against the detrimental product is unnecessary, and that personal responsibility and industry self-regulation are preferable to legislation;
3) Argue that advertising is a necessary conduit through which important information is delivered to consumers;
4) Argue that businesses would be seriously disadvantaged by legislation regulating the damaging product;
5) Draw analogies between the detrimental product and less hazardous or bothersome products that require no warnings or pose no threats;
6) Propose or introduce weak legislation or regulation that would yield no measurable impact on production or sales of the product, but that would create an appearance that something is being done to ameliorate the problems the detrimental product causes;
7) Pretend to take internal action to ameliorate problems caused by the detrimental product by developing internal programs, funding coalitions, "independent" research, etc.;
8) Fund research through "credible" third parties showing the detrimental product is not dangerous or problematic, or is less dangerous or problematic than thought;
9) File legal challenges against any laws or regulations of the product that do pass.

[1][2][3] [4]

The Tobacco Industry's Secondhand Science
A new study by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco found that the tobacco industry "recruited and managed an international network of more than 80 scientific and medical experts in Europe, Asia and elsewhere in a bid to avoid regulations on secondhand smoke."

In 1991 alone, the industry spent $3.3 million (2.8 m Euros) on the program, according to company documents. The program's goal was "to influence policy makers, media and the public" by having industry consultants attend conferences, present papers and lobby, all while hiding or obscuring the tobacco industry's role. The program began in 1987. By 1991, "every member of the organising committee of an international conference on indoor air quality in Bangkok ... was a tobacco industry consultant." And, "as of early 2004, no document has been located indicating that the program has been terminated."
Heya Mate. Never thought about tobacco to much. But makes sense.

I believe in conspiracies too, No doubt they exist. however the word conpriracy has a negative connotation. However, in the case of government it could amount to supporting special interests while not even being a conspiracy. Maybe it is just a matter of taking orders from ones superior and remaining ignorant. The government is so big and compartmentalized, I doubt it is even clear who is making the decisions.

However, when one finds the ones who are making the decisions(the special interests), they probably feel they are doing good and even have some really sick way of rationalizing their actions. LIke for the greater good.

What a scam though if it were some group like the "welcome trust" and they somehow keep people sick on purpose. All the while their buddies Glaxo Smith Kline are also recommending the CDC support uselss medications and toxic drugs that are marginally better than a placibo and cost hundreds of dollars a month per person.
Just found a news article that sparked another thought.

Under-the-radar tick diseases spreading across the U.S:


Are the outbreaks our fault?

Some of the sharp rises in tick disease cases could be due to better counting and diagnostic tests, McQuiston cautions. "But we also have a suspicion it could be differences at the ground level, a changing ecology." What's especially troubling is that these ecological changes—which wildlife researchers confirm—aren't natural or accidental. "Unfortunately, there is mounting evidence that the increase in risk for exposure to tickborne diseases is a consequence of the ways humans modify the environment we live in," says Brian F. Allan, Ph.D., assistant professor of entomology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. For starters, Allan says, we're seeing more contact between ticks and people, possibly because we're moving farther into woody areas. And ticks and the wildlife they feed on are thriving because we've created appealing backyards for them to live in.
In this article they are trying to make it look like somehow people's behavior has changed recently and hence the increased infection. Well I don;t agree with that one bit. Not like people didn't go into the woods until just recently.

I also take issue with the way the CDC has handled lyme disease. It started in the early 80's I believe, yet no effort has been made by the CDC to develope a effective treatment, effective tests, or effective education for Lyme. Sounds alot like th way XMRV has been handled. just pretend it doens't exist. The CDC recommends one or two weeks antibiotics, but some people need antibiotics for years to get better. How is that helping public safety? No good tests, seems like the CDC could have spent a few bucks on testing development if they had good intentions. Plus education. I think I have Lyme, but I have seen 20 to 40 docs over 25 years and not one doctor ever even brought up I may have Lyme. WTF! If they did think I had Lyme the treatment would be useless because they would go to the CDC website and figured I needed two weeks antibiotics. Just like my primary doc suggested I need CBT when I told him I probably had CFIDS.
Just found a news article that sparked another thought.

Under-the-radar tick diseases spreading across the U.S:


Are the outbreaks our fault?

Some of the sharp rises in tick disease cases could be due to better counting and diagnostic tests, McQuiston cautions. "But we also have a suspicion it could be differences at the ground level, a changing ecology." What's especially troubling is that these ecological changeswhich wildlife researchers confirmaren't natural or accidental. "Unfortunately, there is mounting evidence that the increase in risk for exposure to tickborne diseases is a consequence of the ways humans modify the environment we live in," says Brian F. Allan, Ph.D., assistant professor of entomology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. For starters, Allan says, we're seeing more contact between ticks and people, possibly because we're moving farther into woody areas. And ticks and the wildlife they feed on are thriving because we've created appealing backyards for them to live in.
In this article they are trying to make it look like somehow people's behavior has changed recently and hence the increased infection. LIke somehow we have recently moved into the woods and now the infections? That doens't make sense. I don't buy that one bit. Not like people didn't go into the woods until just recently.

I also take issue with the way the CDC has handled lyme disease. It started in the early 80's I believe, yet no effort has been made by the CDC to develope a effective treatment, effective tests, or effective education for Lyme. Sounds alot like th way XMRV has been handled. just pretend it doens't exist. The CDC recommends one or two weeks antibiotics, but some people need antibiotics for years to get better. How is that helping public safety? No good tests, seems like the CDC could have spent a few bucks on testing development if they had good intentions. Plus education. I think I have Lyme, but I have seen 20 to 40 docs over 25 years and not one doctor ever even brought up I may have Lyme. WTF! If they did think I had Lyme the treatment would be useless because they would go to the CDC website and figured I needed two weeks antibiotics. Just like my primary doc suggested I need CBT when I told him I probably had CFIDS.


คภภเє ɠรค๓թєl
on global warming, check out Roy Spencer (PhD, former NASA scientist) and his book, The Great Global Warming Blunder: or How Mother Nature Fooled the World's Top Climate Scientists which explains how many people can be hurt by policies in response to AGW, but that scientists have failed to consider alternative theories (he says only a very few people were engaged in fraud, for example in making the infamous "hockey stick" diagram; mostly the error has been groupthink).

The measures being used are taken from averages (until very recently; these averages are compared with yearly temps on recent record--you can immediately see some pitfalls from this method I'm sure) and some of the values are unbelievably small. And so on. A very good read. Although I am not a meteorologist, I found his book written in such a way that the technical information was explained and easy to understand.

Also it's important to know (something I learned in university) that climatology computer models do not know how to account for some of the most powerful atmospheric temperature influences: particles and cloud cover. Not sure if that was from The Skeptical Environmentalist or an article we read in class or direct from my (brilliant) teacher.


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
it comes down to a two basic simple points:

we are adding a reactive material (CO2 increases insulation of the Earth) to a complex system (yes, no system can't hope to model the atmosphere's true complexity only approximations, but it's so damn powerful, vital and variable only a complete psychotic idiot would mess aorund with it).

The Eart should have an average temperature of minus 20 Celsius, but the amtopshere keeps heat in, making average temperature about +15C. SO Water vapour + CO2 + methane (and soem stuff moslty made by man, nowadays) icnreases temperature by +35C
That is an ENORMOUS amount of change between what the Earth should be as a ocld dead planet, and what it actually is, all for about 10 miles of gas over our heads.
Screwing with such things is..dumb, in the extreme and we are screwing with it.
We ARE increasing CO2, no ifs ands or buts about it.

read a great scifi book:
basically the plot goes, this exploration and contact ship discovers a planet where nearlyy everyone is sick with horrible diseases.
the sick folk belong to a new empire just discovered, the imperials are trying to help the sick locals but without much effect, so the contact ship calls in for medicla assistance, and then...
well they find out the Empire has been infecting these folk to keep 'em sick, to make profit off the charitable donations of dozens of worlds trying to help these sick folk!
Started as an actual plague but then the higher ups in the Empire started to like all this re-directed wealth they could steal, no one checked upon it, as no one dared land on the planet bar the medicla teams

makes ya think, eh? ;)


คภภเє ɠรค๓թєl
The question isn't merely: are we increasing CO2, but, how sensitive is the atmosphere to change? How robust is the homeostasis system of the atmosphere? Does increase in CO2 produce a linear increase in temperature, or is there a complex interaction whereby there is, for instance, increased cloud cover, which prevents a corresponding linear increase in temperature?

Could the observed temperature changes (up until about 12 years ago, after which the temperature has been stable despite continued increase of CO2 in the atmosphere) be from some other reason? Dr. Spencer suggests one. It makes a lot of sense and correlates with the available data much more closely.

But it's a lot better coming from him than from me.

More food for thought. :)

Interesting book. In fact, there were all kinds of other books on the climate change topic in that Amazon link you posted. Did't know there were so many books on the topic. :)

read a great scifi book:
basically the plot goes, this exploration and contact ship discovers a planet where nearlyy everyone is sick with horrible diseases.
the sick folk belong to a new empire just discovered, the imperials are trying to help the sick locals but without much effect, so the contact ship calls in for medicla assistance, and then...
well they find out the Empire has been infecting these folk to keep 'em sick, to make profit off the charitable donations of dozens of worlds trying to help these sick folk!
Started as an actual plague but then the higher ups in the Empire started to like all this re-directed wealth they could steal, no one checked upon it, as no one dared land on the planet bar the medicla teams

makes ya think, eh?

That story sounds like it rings a bell! Be interesting where he got the idea. :)


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
It was in one of the "Sector General" books, which I thoroughly recommend to folks :)
about a giant hopsital-space station, and sort of like "ER/House" in space, plus wars etc
they see war as mental illness and try and calm such down and clean the results up.
Really damn good read, somewhat "Pulpy" but hey that's what makes scifi fun, rather than dry ad boring as a camel's arse ;)
read a great scifi book:
basically the plot goes, this exploration and contact ship discovers a planet where nearlyy everyone is sick with horrible diseases.
the sick folk belong to a new empire just discovered, the imperials are trying to help the sick locals but without much effect, so the contact ship calls in for medicla assistance, and then...
well they find out the Empire has been infecting these folk to keep 'em sick, to make profit off the charitable donations of dozens of worlds trying to help these sick folk!
Started as an actual plague but then the higher ups in the Empire started to like all this re-directed wealth they could steal, no one checked upon it, as no one dared land on the planet bar the medicla teams

makes ya think, eh? ;)

I got a fiction book I'm now thinking about writing which is similar. Goes like this.

I'm a rich and powerful and screwd billionaire living in the 1970's who decides he wants to save the planet after realizing how much of the worlds resources people are using with these big muscle cars. I have contacts in the pentagon/military who knows of just the right kind of virus, developed for biowarfare, that can be given to people in a way that is virtually undetectable. Not only that, but the virus makes people sick without any visible symptoms.

I go ahead and buy a drug company and put my hand picked scientist in charge of vaccine development(the easiest way to directly deliver to the people I want. My scientist puts the new virus right in the vaccine.)

Now all these sick vaccinated people don't reproduce, don' the leave the house much, but still can make a living and waste the world's resources. To further reduce the strain on the world's resources, I decide to sell all these sick people useless drugs to take all their extra expendable income. Now the people barely leave the house, don't eat much, and spend every last penny on MY drugs and medical services. I now generate great wealth for me, which allows me to control the worlds resources and make sure I can save the planet. At the same time all the people are broke and are't waisting as much.

To amek the whole plan work, I spend great gobs of money on lobbying the CDC and telling them to ignore the true cause of that illness. I tell them not to tell because it will harm insurance companies. That is good enough for them. The government is so big nobody really knows who is making the decisions. I make sure to hand pick the top people and pay them well to keep the whole scheme going. Anybody that doens't want to cooperate I use intimidation or simply have them discredited.

I have made good friends with people in the media too. They will publish anything I ask them too and let my guys edit it before release. The journalist go along with it because it is so hard to find work, and so easy to replace them. They are a dime a dozen.

Next time I do this type of thing I have to remember something which will make it much easier. I will remember to convince the Americans they should de-regulate the economy and have smaller government so I don't have so many headaches controlling big government and politicians. It would be much easier if all the decisions were left up to me and my buddies without so many dang regulatory agencies. Also have to consider the internet forums these days makes it way to difficult to keep everybody in the dark since I can't control all the news people get anymore. Maybe I tell the government agencies that forums are especially bad for sick people because they prevent recovery.