The new version has been rolled out that supports Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS/WES) .vcf.gz files.
Current limitations are that it only works with files that use the GRCh37/hg19 assembly (which is the vast majority of data right now). GRCh38/hg38 will be supported in the near future.
Also, nothing is filtered yet. This means some erroneous conditions may come up in the Genetic Conditions category such as ASPA/Canavan Disease, F5/Factor V Leiden (this may or may not be erroneous. I believe it is, but I have to verify). There also may be some erroneous BRCA SNPs or Lynch Syndrome SNPs that may appear in some genomes. This isn't a problem with the data. It's errors in the ClinVar database that need to be filtered out.
AncestryDNA and 23andMe doesn't have this issue as these errors have already been filtered out. There will be more filtering for WGS/WES in the next update so this incorrect information doesn't display.
If you upload a WGS/WES file containing multiple samples (multiple people), the last sample in the file will be processed. The app does not currently let you select which sample to process.
This is not compatible with low-pass sequencing. If you try to upload a low-pass file you will get an error. 20x sequencing or better is required.
Uploading large .vcf.gz files can take a lot of time on a slow internet connection and can potentially corrupt on upload. I initially that files might time out after 10 minutes of being uploading, but I did some testing, and it appears that my assumption may not be true. Please let me know if your file upload quits after 10 minutes when uploading a large file as I need to know if this can happen or not. I plan to install a more fault tolerant uploader in a future release.
If you have incorrect variants in the "Genetic conditions" category, let me know what they are (screenshots are good) so I can create a log on exactly what to filter out.
Same URL as before to upload 23andMe, Ancestry, and WGS/WES file.