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Beth Mazur


Senior Member
How sad......I do hope she didn't suffer too much or for too long.

Her name is very familiar to me, and I can't figure out why. Perhaps I met her or corresponded with her in some other organization. A true shame. I send my condolences to her family. Yours, Lenora


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Julie Rehmeyer shared Beth’s last days and wrote about it beautifully on Facebook and Twitter. I’ll share the Twitter link, but because each Twitter post has limited characters and this quite a long post, you will have to click on the first post and then scroll down to read the entirety. You may or may not know Beth by name but she will have impacted your life from behind the scenes:



Senior Member
Thanks @Sushi. I don't ever remember meeting Beth, but the name was so familiar that I thought perhaps I had contact with her, but many, many years ago.

Julie Rehmeyer seems to be having a respite at the moment b/c of a second successful surgery. I'm so glad and I hope she continues to do well. I vividly remember reading one her books and still have it.

I'm not on any social media platform out of necessity....this is all I'm on, so your comment about Beth meant a lot. Thanks for passing the information on. I do hope you're doing better than just well. Thanks again. Yours, Lenora
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Senior Member
I’m so sorry to hear this. Yet another beautiful spirit taken too early. She sounded like a remarkable lady that gave so much despite all her struggles with ME. May she rest in peace.


Senior Member
I had the pleasure of meeting Beth once - back when I was not entirely house or bedbound - and I will never forget her smile and her warmth. It was shocking news, and it was very kind of Julie to follow up on the whole situation for the community.