BEST of 2009: the Professionals


Phoenix Rising Founder
Many professionals made a difference in 2009 - Here's my preliminary list

Dr. Peterson
Dr. Mikovits
Dr. Klimas
Dr. Friedberg
Dr. Jason
Dr. Donnica Moore
Dr. Vernon
Dr. Wanda Jones
Dr. Kerr
Dr. Light

We can only do 10. Anyone else?


Senior Member
Many professionals made a difference in 2009 - Here's my preliminary list

Dr. Peterson
Dr. Mikovits
Dr. Klimas
Dr. Friedberg
Dr. Jason
Dr. Donnica Moore
Dr. Vernon
Dr. Jones
Dr. Kerr
Dr. Light

We can only do 10. Anyone else?
Cort, if you mean Dr. Wanda Jones you should maybe make that clearer. A different Dr Jones comes up regularly if one looks through PubMed for the year!


Senior Member
I looked through PubMed to jog my memory (although haven't read all the papers yet I'd like to read).

I'd also like to mention

Dr Maes - particularly for the CBT/GET review (which can be downloaded from: or )

Dr. Shepherd - for all the work he does for the cause for free and his continuing input (as he knows the literature so well - it would take a newcomer a long long time to build up the knowledge and of course he's a patient so brings that angle)

Dr. Goudsmit - for papers she got published and her continuing input (as she knows the literature so well - would take a newcomer a long long time to build up the knowledge and of course she's a patient so brings that angle)

Dr. Chia - for keeping going with enteroviral angle

I would probably like to add others that found exercise abnormalities/muscle abnormalities.


Phoenix Rising Founder
Very nice - thank you. I can't believe I forgot Dr. Chia. I'm thinking making this a researchers poll.

Dr. Peterson
Dr. Mikovits
Dr. Klimas
Dr. Jason
Dr. Vernon
Pacific Fatigue Lab
Dr. Kerr
Dr. Light
Dr. Chia

Adding Dr. Donnica Moore, Dr. Jones, Dr. Freidberg to Advocates Poll. Advocates poll would also include Annette Whittemore, Hilary Johnson, Kim McCleary, Tom K, me, John Herd, Mike Dessin (simply for telling his story), Dr. Shephard, Mary Schweitzer, Khaylal, Craig Maupin, Jodi Bassett, ....that's too many ....

Could do a Doctors Poll -going poll crazy :)


Senior Member
The best of 2009

Cort: I think Dr Vance Spence (who is very unwell with M.E.) and Dr Neil Abbot of ME Research UK, the only group to be undertaking biomedical research in the U.K., should have a mention


Adding Dr. Donnica Moore, Dr. Jones, Dr. Freidberg to Advocates Poll. Advocates poll would also include Annette Whittemore, Hilary Johnson, Kim McCleary, Tom K, me, John Herd, Mike Dessin (simply for telling his story), Dr. Shephard, Mary Schweitzer, Khaylal, Craig Maupin, Jodi Bassett, ....that's too many ....

Could do a Doctors Poll -going poll crazy :)

Not sure how Dr Wanda Jones would take being called an advocate - or how others in government would perceive it, although I'm a HUGE Wanda K fan. How about a special award for superlative administrative support?

Dr Coffin to researchers, Dr Bateman & Dr Bell to either, me_agenda, luminescent_feeling to advocate

Maybe special mention of all who made in person or written submissions to the CFSAC.


Senior Member
I think Dr Vance Spence (who is very unwell with M.E.) and Dr Neil Abbot of ME Research UK, the only group to be undertaking biomedical research in the U.K., should have a mention
Although I think they do great work, the "only" part of your sentence isn't correct.
Advocates of the last two decades.

Why don't I see any mention of RESCIND, Tom and Jerry? RESCIND has done more for awareness worldwide than anyone by creating May 12 Awareness Day, Lobby Days and reading patients' testimony before the government when patients were to ill to attend. Just to mention a few of their accomplishments.