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Best comprehensive stool test? Genova, DD, or ubiome?

What is the best stool test please to see what type of gut pathogens might be causing gas and underlying gut dysbiosis? Genova GI effects, Genova CDSA with parastology, Genova CDSA 2.0, or Doctors data CDSA x3 pastology? Does the Ubiome test compare well to any of these tests? I would need a good interpretative guide. I understand the Doctors Data gives a brief synopsis as to which antimicrobials might work for killing pathogens that were found on test. Any guidance on which one to do please?
I had done one from Biohealth a few yrs back which just showed excessive enterobacter nothing else.
I am posting all the analytes that are tested with each test.
Thank you!

GI Effects® Comprehensive Profile - Stool
Analyte List
Acetate %
Akkermansia muciniphila
Anaerotruncus colihominis
Bacteroides vulgatus
Bacteroides-Prevotella group
Barnesiella spp.
Beta- glucuronidase
Bifidobacterium longum
Bifidobacterium spp.
Butyrivibrio crossotus
Clostridium spp.
Collinsella aerofaciens
Coprococcus eutactus
Desulfovibrio piger
Eosinophil Protein X (EPX)
Escherichia coli
Faecalibacterium prausnitzii
Fecal Fat (Total)
Fecal Occult Blood
Fecal sIgA
Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes (F/B Ratio)
Fusobacterium spp.
Lactobacillus spp.
Long Chain Fatty Acids
Methanobrevibacter smithii
Mic Sensitivities, Yeast or Bacteria
Microscopic Exam Results
Mycology (Yeast/Fungi)
Odoribacter spp.
Other Biomarkers
Oxalobacter formigenes
Pancreatic Elastase 1
Parasitology EIA Tests
Prevotella spp.
Products of Protein Breakdown (Total) (Valerate+Isobutyrate+Isovalerate)
Propionate %.
Pseudoflavonifractor spp.
Roseburia spp.
Ruminococcus spp.
SCFA (Total) (Acetate, n-Butyrate, Propionate)
Veillonella spp.
n-Butyrate %
n-Butyrate Concentration

Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis/Parasitology™(CDSA/P)
Analyte list:

Acetate %
Bacteriology Culture, aerobic
Bacteriology Culture, aerobic x 3
Bacteriology Culture, anaerobic
Beneficial SCFAs
Cryptosporidium EIA
Entamoeba histolytica
Fecal Lactoferrin
Giardia lamblia EIA
Long Chain Fatty Acids
Meat Fibers and Vegetable Fibers
Occult Blood
Parasite Identification, Concentrate Prep
Parasite Identification, Trichrome Stain
Propionate %
Putrefactive SCFAs
Total Fecal Fat
Yeast Culture
n-Butyrate %

Genova CDSA 2.0
Analyte List

Bacteriology Culture, aerobic
Bacteriology Culture, aerobic x 3
Bacteriology Culture, anaerobic
Beneficial SCFAs
Bile Acids
Cryptosporidium EIA
Deoxycholic Acid
Entamoeba histolytica
Eosinophil Protein X (EPX)
Giardia lamblia EIA
LithoCholic Acid
Pancreatic Elastase
Parasite Identification, Concentrate Prep
Parasite Identification, Trichrome Stain
Putrefactive SCFAs
Yeast Culture
n-Butyrate %

Doctors Data Comprehensive Stool Analysis w/Parasitology x3
Acetate; stool
Additional pathogens culture; stool
Bacteriology culture, aerobic; stool
Butyrate; stool
Calprotectin; stool
Carbohydrates; stool *
Cryptosporidium; stool
Day 2 Parasitology, trichrome; stool
Day 3 Parasitology, trichrome; stool
Elastase; stool
Fat Stain; stool
Giardia lamblia; stool
Lactoferrin; stool
Lysozyme; stool
Mucus; stool *
Muscle Fibers; stool
Occult Blood; stool
Parasitology, concentrate; stool
Parasitology, trichrome; stool
Propionate; stool
Red Blood Cells; stool
Valerate; stool
Vegetable Fibers; stool
White Blood Cells; stool
Yeast culture; stool
pH; stool
sIgA; stool

greetings. Doctors data and genova both do the yeast culture with antifungal sensitivity I believe - i don't know anyone else who do antifungal/herbal sensitity (IF a yeast is cultured )..do you?

Chris Kresser (Functional MD) podcast said he tends to run BioHealth 401H (a very good stool culture) alongside the Doctors Data CSA ( although £$) as one or the other can miss something.

At the moment I think the comparision goes down to PCR (latest techology which genova uses) vs Culture (such as Doctors Data). This article is quite informative and useful: http://masteringthegut.com/home-page/stool-test-review/
I will be a submitting the Doctors Data CSA with parasitology (x3 ) soon. Which one did you end up picking if you did?

find attached below a document/ebook from the article above, might be of use
Hi Vaer
Thank you for your response. I decided to go with Genova Gi effects.I did a 401H couple of yrs ago and all it showed was excessive enterobacter. Nothing else came up. Enterobacter is normal gut flora but I had an imbalance as I had too much of it. The 401 H test doesn't give you the species of enterobacter so didnt get much out of that then. There is another company that does stool testing Diagnostics solutions lab. They were in the process to add in a lot more markers. I think Doctors Data is a good one too so hope you get some good results.
Hi Vaer

There is another company that does stool testing Diagnostics solutions lab. They were in the process to add in a lot more markers. .

Yes GI-MAP by Diagnostic solutions is good one. I have heard it is quite good at picking up h.pylori even when stool antigens testing do not pick up ! I kind of wished I picked this one but in sense the Doctors Data is more for a overall picture which should shed some light for me