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best absorbed magnesium


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Lots of conflicting info out there, but what do people find is the best absorbed magnesium. I do use a multi mineral supp but i think i need more mag to help with muscle pain etc. Another thing that is confusing me is that one supp said 1000mg of magnesium but then states contains 150mg per serve, does this mean only 150mg is the only useful/absorbed portion. When it comes to working out how much u are to take, with the above supp would i be getting 1000mg or 150mg, http://www.iherb.com/Now-Foods-Magnesium-Malate-1000-mg-180-Tablets/692. What doses do others use of magnesium?

The multi mineral supp i use now contains 500mg per 2 tabs (from Magnesium Oxide, Magnesium AAC* and Magnesium Citrate), plus all the other minerals. My current supp seems well dosed and priced compared to other mag supps plus my current supp contains all the other minerals as well.



Senior Member
My gut is pretty bad, so I'm beginning to find that all oral magnesium doesn't do so much.

I do find magnesium oil works awesomely well though!

The reason they are able to cram so much magnesium into that multi mineral is the magnesium oxide (glorified laxative -- they actually use this for colonoscopy preps). Which to put it simply, has rubbish bioavailability. The only plus is that you can get lots of elemental mag into a single capsule.

You will find all the highly bioavailable forms will only ever fit approximately 100-130mg elemental magnesium in each capsule. The rest is the substance the magnesium is bound to.

The book "The Magnesium Miracle" by Carolyn Dean has a list of the most bioavailable magnesium forms in it. This book is pretty cheap on amazon as an ebook and quite interesting.

Above all she recommends magnesium oil.


Senior Member
Great for boosting testosterone, I tried it early on in my CFS before I got a lot of neuro problems. Wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole now. Full of aspartic acid.


Senior Member
I use Now Foods Mag Citrate powder, and I suspect that it works better if I take it during a meal as all the enzymes etc are doing their thing. Just mix it with a small amount of water, I take maybe a level teaspoon each meal. If you take too much you'll be on the toilet real quick though. I use Mag choloride also, which I think is the best. Kinda annoying having to rub it in though.


Senior Member
Sydney, NSW, Australia
I'm running with an idea to restore my depleted B2 (Riboflavin). Taking a multi-mineral would be counter-productive.

There is also a theory that people with CFS are low in MANGANESE. So I'm taking about 3 x 5 mg/day elemental Manganese....(as Manganese amino acid chelate). Enough should turn stool to dark brown.

I am taking a sprinkle of Magnesium from a Magnesium malate capsule that contains about 72 mg elemental Magnesium per capsule.

So, I am not taking any other minerals as supplements. I am avoiding chocolate, due to it's high mineral content.

I am noticing more relaxed muscles, better sleep onset, much less FM-type muscle pain/ less tendonitis, less neck stiffness, better range of motion of neck & shoulders.


Senior Member
I'm running with an idea to restore my depleted B2 (Riboflavin). Taking a multi-mineral would be counter-productive.

There is also a theory that people with CFS are low in MANGANESE. So I'm taking about 3 x 5 mg/day elemental Manganese....(as Manganese amino acid chelate). Enough should turn stool to dark brown.

I am taking a sprinkle of Magnesium from a Magnesium malate capsule that contains about 72 mg elemental Magnesium per capsule.

So, I am not taking any other minerals as supplements. I am avoiding chocolate, due to it's high mineral content.

I am noticing more relaxed muscles, better sleep onset, much less FM-type muscle pain/ less tendonitis, less neck stiffness, better range of motion of neck & shoulders.

What is the exact theory that minerals deplete b2? Can you point me to it? I'm presuming its in the hair mineral thread hidden somewhere? Seems the new theory is that everything we take depletes b2. At what point do we start adding the others back in?


Senior Member
Sydney, NSW, Australia
What is the exact theory that minerals deplete b2? Can you point me to it? I'm presuming its in the hair mineral thread hidden somewhere? Seems the new theory is that everything we take depletes b2. At what point do we start adding the others back in?

Mostly it's about obtaining what you need from a varied diet. I'm still getting my head around Dog Person's theory & some of what I have learned has been from personal communication with her. It may not be in the threads here, but I will keep looking. Here is one post where Christine explains a lot of her theory:


Post #32


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
epsom salt baths or even just soaking feet in it is not only relaxing but read that magnesium is absorbed into the skin that way??

I am thinking of the ZMA as i have heard alot about bodybuilders using it for growth/repair/recovery but also taken at night improves sleep.
With Zinc, Magnesium & Vitamin B-6
GMP Quality Assured
A Dietary Supplement

ZMA is a synergistic combination of Zinc and Magnesium designed to maximize absorption and promote recovery from exercise. Zinc plays a central role in the regulation of cellular growth and tissue repair, as well as the maintenance of a healthy immune system. Magnesium is essential for the maintenance of electrolyte balance, energy production and normal neuromuscular function. Because physical activity can increase the need for these two minerals, ZMA is the ideal supplement to aid in their replenishment.

Suggested Use

As a dietary supplement, men take 3 capsules (women take 2 capsules) daily, preferably on an empty stomach, 30 - 60 minutes before bedtime. For best results, avoid taking with dairy or other calcium-containing food or supplements. Consider taking this product in combination with NOW D-Flame, Celadrin and TestoJack 100.

Supplement Facts

Supplement Facts

Serving Size: 3 Capsules for Men (2 Capsules for Women)

Servings per Container: 60 for Men (90 for Women)

Amount Per Serving (Men)

% Daily Value (Men)

Vitamin B-6 (from Pyridoxine HCl)

15 mg


Magnesium (from Magnesium Aspartate)

450 mg


Zinc (from Zinc L-Methionine and Zinc Aspartate)

30 mg


(Patent pending mineral blend of Zinc L-Methionine, Zinc Aspartate, Magnesium Aspartate and Pyridoxine HCl)

2.4 g (2,400 mg)



Senior Member
Body builders don't have an excitotoxic neuroimmune disease. Opti-Zinc, Magnesium and B6 combination is pretty close to that minus the aspartic acid.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Body builders don't have an excitotoxic neuroimmune disease. Opti-Zinc, Magnesium and B6 combination is pretty close to that minus the aspartic acid.

No but they dont get alot of neurological fatigue from serious strength work that really needs the nervous system to up and fire. I dont know, just thought it looked like a good product to try and it is a common supp used by them thats classed as a basic supp, probably like us getting q10?? Just a trial and error thing.



Senior Member
How about magnesium orotate?
Orotates are mineral salts of orotic acid used by plants and animals to make DNA and RNA. Orotate is favourite form of Hans Nieper.


PR activist
Body builders don't have an excitotoxic neuroimmune disease. Opti-Zinc, Magnesium and B6 combination is pretty close to that minus the aspartic acid.

You seriously believe that aspartic acid is exitotoxic? Meat contain 3000mg per serving, so watch out.

That said, I do agree there's nothing magical about ZMA.


PR activist
How about magnesium orotate?
Orotates are mineral salts of orotic acid used by plants and animals to make DNA and RNA. Orotate is favourite form of Hans Nieper.

Orotic acid also causes liver cancer, at least in rats.