Hi Abha,
Thanks for the info. I'll write the LO down and read up on it and then check the vitamin stores. I do take the melotonin but not everynight because it just doesn't work everynight for me. I might take it one night, the next a couple of arthritis tylenol or like last night I took a 1/2 of generic flexaril ,muscle relaxer. Out at 8 PM and slept thru to 7:30 this morning. Been fighting an upper respitory infection and they had me on antibiotics and prednisone and with the prednisone you might as well forget about sleep. Got a lot of reading done though! Back to the LO. On another message I saw where Fredd was talking about a formula he has for withdrawals and he says something about getting on B12's and some other things but I think the B12 had methylcobalamin and that seemed important. I guess we need something that can get in there and calm the hypersensitivy and anxiety. It's sad about this medication because the sleep helps me function so much. Have to watch the stress because just the slightest amount sends me over the cliff for a few days.