If you are under the care of an ME-literate doctor but are interested in the immune testing and assessment/interpretation offered by Dr. Nancy Klimas and her team at Nova Southeastern, what do you think are the benefits of this testing when weighed against the physical effort (and resulting crash) and cost of travelling to Florida?
I have some specific questions below and would be grateful if current patients at the Institute could comment -- thanks!
I have some specific questions below and would be grateful if current patients at the Institute could comment -- thanks!
- If the special immune tests you run are abnormal, are these results recognized by other MD's, specialists and LTD insurance companies as abnormalities that are either worthy of treatment or that indicate illness severity?
- Would the test results put me in a position of knowing which specific prescription medications – either available now or hopefully available in the future -- might be applicable to me?
- Is there any guarantee that my immune test will show abnormalities if they are there to be found or does it vary day by day (i.e. is it better to be crashed when blood is drawn?)?
- Do the test results indicate whether an immune prescription medication would have a greater likelihood of success or would I achieve the same thing by a trial and error approach?
- Is it required to repeat these special immune tests in the future?