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Beginnings of Post-Covid / Viral Syndrome?


Senior Member
"Funny" thing is, I had just about every see-sawing, post-flu symptom described here for months after I thought my trigger virus had initially resolved in 2013...then it flattened down and out into long-term CFS...


Senior Member
Hi there. Don't know if anyone in UK caught BBC breakfast this morning, but there was a lady on there complaining that she was pretty sure she had had covid and 60 days in she was still unwell. It just made me reflect on how taboo Me/Cfs is and how we just accept our plight. Guess we just have to wait for the science.


Senior Member
South east England
Hi there. Don't know if anyone in UK caught BBC breakfast this morning, but there was a lady on there complaining that she was pretty sure she had had covid and 60 days in she was still unwell.
Being "Pretty sure" they had covid is'nt grounds for a news story about the long term effect of covid. Typical BBC spreading rumour and panic.


Senior Member
My point was if numerous people who do get the corona virus are left chronically sick, as people with me/cfs have been for years, might this speed up research that benefits loads of us.


Senior Member
You may be hearing about children coming down with the Kawasaki-like PMIS (Pediatric Multi-inflammatory Syndrome) aka PMSID (Pediatric Multi-system Inflammatory Disease) aka CMIS (Covid Multi-inflammatory Syndrome), a hyper-immune inflammatory response in which the body attacks the blood vessels, brain, heart and kidneys weeks after the virus appears to have resolved (and antibodies are present). They present with rash, high fever and lethargy, and 80% wind up back in the ICU.
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Senior Member
We really need some "ME/CFS bots" to "spam" all covid sites, articles, facebook groups, comments, etc. saying that "Post-Covid = ME/CFS" and "Don't let medicine silence you like they did with other CFS patients." ME/CFS groups and orgs really need to capitalize on COVID to spread awareness of ME/CFS.


Senior Member
Sorry if this is linked to elsewhere...

"Doctors are starting to see many emerging long-term effects of COVID-19 and in Italy, neurologists have already created a separate neuro unit for COVID-19 patients, who are being treated for “stroke, delirium, epileptic seizures, and non-specific neurologic syndromes that look very much like encephalitis,” according to Neurology Today. Dr. Chris Ponting, Chair of Medical Bioinformatics at University of Edinburgh, explained to #MEAction that he would “expect that [of the] people who have COVID-19 symptoms quite severely… about 10% [would] have fatigue-like syndromes after 6 months, given current evidence.”



Because everyday is Caturday...
I suspected this was going to be the case from the start. Having experienced post-viral issues from EBV I know all about it. As they were saying 80% of ME/CFS cases are likely post-viral.

You certainly don't want the other shoe to drop, so stay safe, stay inside.