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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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Senior Member
USA - California
@Jacque thats amazing to hear. You must be over the moon! :)

I've just been pricing them on amazon, the cheapest one is around £120.

I'm going through early peri-menopause because of hysterectomy (it stops and starts)

I've noticed whenever i go through the hot flush phase, where i flush constantly all day, my ME symptoms reduce drastically. It would be strange if this flushing and sweating was also mimicking a mini fake fever and was beneficial in some similar way :)

This is the third time i've been in a flushing phase (usually lasts a few months) and each time my usual symptoms improve noticably.

I hate saunas with a passion but seriously considering giving this a bash.

Thanks so much for sharing. Its amazing news to hear :)
I seriously HATE being HOT.. it is my least favorite thing.. so I understand what you are saying.. I think I paid around 2-3K US for it yearrrr ago.. Can't remember. It is a SOFT HEAT... I know there are some where you don't have to put your head in and they are portable.. maybe look into that??? I would SERIOUSLY give this a whirl if you have already noticed your hot flashes changing things! I also have those wonderful powersurges... SUCKS! ;)


Senior Member
USA - California
YAY! Great news.... such a huge improvement from just an infrared sauna? Did you do or take anything else?

p.s. I am in the "off the couch" club too, going on 2 months.... doing social events and workouts... thanks to iodine. :)
Didn't do anything else! Just heard that little bit of news about HYPERTHERMIA therapy in Europe.. and decided I would get in that sucker 2X a day if needed to try and get some LIFE back...in this so called thing called LIFE.. I also have recently attended social functions.. I went to a wedding out of town and stayed the night... and DRANK ALCOHOL!! WhAT????? Annnnnnd DID NOT CRASH!!!! WHAT??? I am going with a bus full of girls wine tasting on Saturday... Still waiting for the Crash.. But so far so good.. Of course I get a little tired.. But that is to be expected...with this condition.


Senior Member
USA - California
Hi @Jacque !

I am very glad for you..Congratz!!!

What triggered your ME at the first place? How long did you have it?
I have been ill since I was about 12.. Diagnosed with RA at 18, and then FM, CFS, Hashimotos, LUpus, and Chiari Malformation and then Finally LYME DISEASE... I had a tick crawl in my ear when I was 12 and have been ill ever since... but back THEN Lyme was not known about ... It has been a life time of complete indescribable misery...and struggle.... Still struggle with horrid pain but just so happy to be off that UGLY couch! :)


Senior Member
USA - California
YAY! Great news.... such a huge improvement from just an infrared sauna? Did you do or take anything else?

p.s. I am in the "off the couch" club too, going on 2 months.... doing social events and workouts... thanks to iodine. :)
I tried the Iodine too.. what are you taking??? I took Iodoral... So happy for you!!!


Senior Member
USA - California
@Jacque - that's beyond amazing - am very happy for you!

I tried FIR sauna several years ago in my chiro's office and detoxed very badly on it. I even bought one of those cheap aluminum looking ones that look like something from a sci-fi movie - it worked actually but could not handle the detoxing.

Do you still detox when you use it yours? It sounds like not ---

Again, this is great news - hopefully it will help someone else! thanks for sharing -
Hmmmmm...that is interesting.. so the fake fever is obviously killing things off in you and the herx it soo much... so that is a good sign... If I were you why not start our with shorter sessions? 5 minutes then work your way up? Better than doin it with drugs right? Good luck and let me know how youdo.


Senior Member
USA - California
Wow Jacque! Right on! A few questions.............it only took a week before you started feeling better? Do you continue to use it and how often? Which sauna did you purchase? Thanks..............and so glad you are back with the living.:thumbsup:
You know I always noticed I felt better after gettin in the sauna... I have NO idea why I didn't do it more often??? Yes after a week of continual usage I was like WOW.. my house is clean and I am dressed... WHAT UP? When I get lazy and go 4 or 5 days I start getting the crud feelin again...so YES I am using it Continually... I have been in every day this week right after my work out! I just close the door and visualize all those little F'ers DYING!!!!! I got the SOFT HEAT years ago... make sure to get an INFRARED... and some you can have your head out from what I hear? Let me know how you do and look on Craigslist... you might find a used one??? Never know....


Donate Advocate Demonstrate
Great news Jacque! so happy for you. Also been on the list of things to try for a long time...maybe...although like others heat does me in badly and is a mast cell degranulator, so maybe not for me as I have MCAS.

I'm interested in how long ago you had the ritux as I saw something the other day that suggested some responders took up to a year to get a response.

digital dog

Senior Member
Felt dreadful using an infrared sauna. I was constantly weak and dizzy.
Spent a lot of money on one too.
Glad you are feeling better. How wonderful!


Senior Member
although like others heat does me in badly and is a mast cell degranulator, so maybe not for me as I have MCAS.

@justy I am the same way, heat does me in as far as dysautonomia and that is without the potential MCAS risk. I do wonder if Jacque had a delayed improvement from the Ritux (but obviously I have no idea and am purely speculating.) I know the sauna's can be very helpful for mold detox and wish I could try it!


Senior Member
New Orleans
@Jacque thats amazing to hear. You must be over the moon! :)

I've just been pricing them on amazon, the cheapest one is around £120.

I'm going through early peri-menopause because of hysterectomy (it stops and starts)

I've noticed whenever i go through the hot flush phase, where i flush constantly all day, my ME symptoms reduce drastically. It would be strange if this flushing and sweating was also mimicking a mini fake fever and was beneficial in some similar way :)

This is the third time i've been in a flushing phase (usually lasts a few months) and each time my usual symptoms improve noticably.

I hate saunas with a passion but seriously considering giving this a bash.

Thanks so much for sharing. Its amazing news to hear :)

That is very interesting. I wonder if any other women on here has had this happen to them... Pattern ?? hummm !
That is very interesting. I wonder if any other women on here has had this happen to them... Pattern ?? hummm !

This is what i thought a while back too and asked about it back when i first noticed but from the few experiences i've heard so far, i seem to be in a minority. Most women i've heard from so far only experience a worsening of symptoms because of either peri or full menopause :thumbdown: So i'm not sure on that one so far. It definitely seems to help me though.


Senior Member
I am not a scientist but this just makes sense.. I am creating a fake fever and driving down the viruses etc that have been KICKING my ASS for the majority of my LIFE.. I just wish I had though of doing this sooner and not have missed out on SO much life! I get in every other day..... I only had about 4? Couch days the entire summer and I deserved them... ;)

Actually to me, it doesn't make sense because you really aren't creating a fake fever, you are raising your body temperature via external means whereas fevers are created internally via totally different mechanisms.

The positives? I am among the LIVING and driving down the infections, my skin is looking sooo much better, it burns calories, detoxification,and from what I read helps to kill Cancer Cells...

How would it possible be able to kill cancer cells without having an effect on normal cells -- basically impossible.

I have found the most AMAZING workout program for all of us.. you all much check out AGING BACKWARDS and get her DVDS.... YOU WILL be able to do them and they make you feeeel sooooo goooood!!! I am thrilled I found her program... And believe me I have tried em all!

Sorry this is so lengthy... but I am a little excited!!!! Will check in in the future.. Hopefully this will do nothing but continue to IMPROVE.... I DAMN WELL DESERVE IT!

Hang in there Yall.... And find a way to heat up your body!!! IT WORKS!!


Aging Backwards is a book about reversing the aging process and with any kind of exercise programs, each of us will respond differently and no some of us wouldn't be able to tolerate it.

I am glad you feel better but I really think members shouldn't rush into this kind of thing without reviewing the mechanisms behind it, because it might be a waste of money. For myself, the last thing I should do in terms of my own health is to artificially raise my body temperature. I can't even tolerate being in a warmer than normal room -- induces massive sweating, increased heart rate, and dizziness.
I think i'll definitely look into trying it as i can't tolerate the cold even though i have POTS. I hate saunas because of the moist heat, but i live on an electric blanket on high heat sometimes all day which i couldn't live without. So any form of heat treatment is appealing to someone who feels the cold. Anything under 24 degrees C is freezing to me. Which is most of the time :( So i'll definitely be looking into it further, if for nothing other than heat treatment during the winter. I wouldn't even have looked at these if it wasn't for this thread so i'm pleased i seen it.


Forum Support Assistant
So any form of heat treatment is appealing to someone who feels the cold. Anything under 24 degrees C is freezing to me. Which is most of the time

A couple of months after starting Freddd's B12 treatment my cold sensitivity greatly reduced. Before that point I was cold much of the time. Going outside in winter meant wearing many layers of 'warm' clothes and still being cold. I would even need a sweater while outside on a warm summer day.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
@Jacque Glad you are feeling so much better.

I also think that this is another individual thing. I have an FIR sauna which I'v used most every day, and while it does take the edge of some symptoms, it hasn't created any major changes in my health. If I miss a few days, I notice the difference i.e. symptoms are worse. I doubt if everyone will respond the same way to FIR because our "cases" are so individual.


Senior Member
southeast US
my sessions are 30 minutes and I don't control the temperature.. I think it gets to 103 degrees.. Google Soft Heat Infrared Saunas and maybe it will tell you there.

The heat I've always used you'd have to switch the positions of the zero and three. Probably too hot, but I couldn't even break a sweat (in a sauna) at 103.

I know some don't think the extra heat or sweat make much difference, but that always seemed counter-intuitive to me, would have to agreeably disagree on that score.

If I could be just as childish as possible for a moment and wonder out loud why she responded to everyone but me? Not unlikely I just said something stupid in another thread(s). Anyway, appreciate her sharing all this.