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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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Senior Member
USA - California
Haven't spent much time here on PR.. been a part of the world lately! Thought I would pop in and share what is working BIG TIIIIME!!! I am almost hesitant to write this because inevitably every time I profess I am getting better I get SLAMMED... but I am just compelled to share something that is REALLY working and I believe will continue to work .. as long as I stick with it!

When I joined PR I was one of the Rituxan trial patients. I know it is working for some but it was not for me.. just too many side effects and I did 4 infusions. I have found a few other things that gave me some short term relief and energy.

I was recently having a discussion with a friend who's daughter has Lyme/CFS etc .. just as I do.. He said he was considering taking her to Europe for HYPERTHERMIA THERAPY.. and it was thousannnnds of dollars! And because I have spent every DIME on this illness I certainly didn't have that! But what I DID HAVE was an INFRARED SAUNA sitting in my bedroom that I have owned for years and used a few times a month to help detox myself. Soooo with the few brain cells I had left functioning.. I decided to do my own "hyperthermia"... By then end of a week of gettin in about daily the DROP DEAD FLU symptoms had abated and I was able to get up and function. I have gone the ENTIRE summer OFF the COUCH.. As a matter of fact I gave that damn couch to Goodwill and redecorated my living room in LIVING colors.

I am not a scientist but this just makes sense.. I am creating a fake fever and driving down the viruses etc that have been KICKING my ASS for the majority of my LIFE.. I just wish I had though of doing this sooner and not have missed out on SO much life! I get in every other day..... I only had about 4? Couch days the entire summer and I deserved them... ;)

To really show how much better I am doing.. I am leaving and driving to AZ. for 10 days to actually PUT ON my 35th Class reunion... then on to meet my Biological Dad and 4 siblings I have never met ( I just found all of them)... And.... I am doing all of this ALONE!!! That is a 12 hour drive and a lot of work! 5 months ago.. I It was a challenge to walk down to my mailbox and back up the incline drive way! I slept 16-20 hours a day..and just wanted to DIE... basically! I still require 8-10 hours of sleep at night but am up blown and goin all day!

The negatives? I have to wash my hair a lot more! And a lot of dirty towels!

The positives? I am among the LIVING and driving down the infections, my skin is looking sooo much better, it burns calories, detoxification,and from what I read helps to kill Cancer Cells...

Soooo???? My point in writing this is maybe some of you who are like me spending thousands of dollars going to doctors and feelin like a rat in a wheel...perhaps take the plunge and get yourself an INFRARED SAUNA and see what it does for you?? Or find a wellness center, Gym, or? and go sit in theirs on a REGULAR basis before you purchase one! Just make sure it is an INFRARED!

Who would have known a wooden box in my bedroom was going to be my way off of that ugly couch!

I still battle the relentless nerve pain and will for life bc I also have CHIARI Malformation on top of all the rest of this mess...

Oh...and GET THIS... I am actually WORKING OUT at least 4-5X a WEEK.. and NOT CRASHING!!!!!! SAY WHAT?????????

I have found the most AMAZING workout program for all of us.. you all much check out AGING BACKWARDS and get her DVDS.... YOU WILL be able to do them and they make you feeeel sooooo goooood!!! I am thrilled I found her program... And believe me I have tried em all!

Sorry this is so lengthy... but I am a little excited!!!! Will check in in the future.. Hopefully this will do nothing but continue to IMPROVE.... I DAMN WELL DESERVE IT!

Hang in there Yall.... And find a way to heat up your body!!! IT WORKS!!

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Senior Member
New Orleans
Wow , sounds awesome.. So glad you are doing better !! Please keep us updated. How much time do you spend in there ?


Senior Member
Hi @Jacque !

I am very glad for you..Congratz!!!

What triggered your ME at the first place? How long did you have it?
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Forum Support Assistant
I'm happy for you as well. I would be glad to try an Infrared Sauna except that I have such low blood pressure the heat from a sauna would cause it to drop even more. It would be like having severe OI while lying down, along with PEM. It's interesting how many potential treatments have barriers for some of us.


Ex-workaholic adrenaline junkie
YAY! Great news.... such a huge improvement from just an infrared sauna? Did you do or take anything else?

p.s. I am in the "off the couch" club too, going on 2 months.... doing social events and workouts... thanks to iodine. :)
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Senior Member
New Mexico
Wow Jacque! Right on! A few questions.............it only took a week before you started feeling better? Do you continue to use it and how often? Which sauna did you purchase? Thanks..............and so glad you are back with the living.:thumbsup:


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
@Jacque - that's beyond amazing - am very happy for you!

I tried FIR sauna several years ago in my chiro's office and detoxed very badly on it. I even bought one of those cheap aluminum looking ones that look like something from a sci-fi movie - it worked actually but could not handle the detoxing.

Do you still detox when you use it yours? It sounds like not ---

Again, this is great news - hopefully it will help someone else! thanks for sharing -


Senior Member
Congratulations. I suspect some people get well and don't come back online to post about it bc they are busy with life. Thanks for taking the time to post this. I wonder if one of the viruses short circuits the fever response to keep itself alive and you have over ridden that.
@Jacque thats amazing to hear. You must be over the moon! :)

I've just been pricing them on amazon, the cheapest one is around £120.

I'm going through early peri-menopause because of hysterectomy (it stops and starts)

I've noticed whenever i go through the hot flush phase, where i flush constantly all day, my ME symptoms reduce drastically. It would be strange if this flushing and sweating was also mimicking a mini fake fever and was beneficial in some similar way :)

This is the third time i've been in a flushing phase (usually lasts a few months) and each time my usual symptoms improve noticably.

I hate saunas with a passion but seriously considering giving this a bash.

Thanks so much for sharing. Its amazing news to hear :)


Senior Member
I am not a scientist but this just makes sense.. I am creating a fake fever and driving down the viruses etc that have been KICKING my ASS for the majority of my LIFE.. I just wish I had though of doing this sooner and not have missed out on SO much life! I get in every other day..... I only had about 4? Couch days the entire summer and I deserved them... ;)

I wonder about this. I don't need to create a fake fever. I get fevers all the time which make me feel no better. It's good this has worked out for you. I wish it worked for me but alas no.


Senior Member
Interesting thread! I get zero fevers (my temp runs low for the last 3 yrs) but even though my mold doc initially recommended sauna, she and my other docs felt it was unsafe for me due to my level of dysautonomia and afraid it would raise my HR too high and drop my BP too low.

Yesterday trying to get into the shower (with a caregiver and shower chair) the steam was so hot, that it took my breath away and I thought I was going to faint. So we had to cool the water really down and wait ten minutes and try again.

I would love to try the sauna though to detox mold but just don't think I could do it. But I don't absolutely rule it out if I am able to get stronger first from some other treatments that I am trying. And @Jacque that is great news about your health and best wishes for your trip to meet your family!!!


Senior Member
USA - California
I wonder about this. I don't need to create a fake fever. I get fevers all the time which make me feel no better. It's good this has worked out for you. I wish it worked for me but alas no.
Kina I also had fevers ALL the time.. low grade and up around 100 on and off... All I know is in Europe they are using HYPERTHERMIA therapy to cure illness like this and Lyme.. and in my opinion they are one in the same!


Senior Member
USA - California
Interesting thread! I get zero fevers (my temp runs low for the last 3 yrs) but even though my mold doc initially recommended sauna, she and my other docs felt it was unsafe for me due to my level of dysautonomia and afraid it would raise my HR too high and drop my BP too low.

Yesterday trying to get into the shower (with a caregiver and shower chair) the steam was so hot, that it took my breath away and I thought I was going to faint. So we had to cool the water really down and wait ten minutes and try again.

I would love to try the sauna though to detox mold but just don't think I could do it. But I don't absolutely rule it out if I am able to get stronger first from some other treatments that I am trying. And @Jacque that is great news about your health and best wishes for your trip to meet your family!!!
I would find a place locally and see if you can pay for some sessions in one of theirs.. This has NO Steam... And Infrared is VERY different from the Saunas most peeps are used to... The saddd thing is I have had this box for over 10 years and only used it 2-3 X a month... ugh


Senior Member
USA - California
Congratulations. I suspect some people get well and don't come back online to post about it bc they are busy with life. Thanks for taking the time to post this. I wonder if one of the viruses short circuits the fever response to keep itself alive and you have over ridden that.
I have NO Idea but I am certain it was the viruses that were my butt kickers.. just CONSTANT FLU off the chart symptoms.. and they are not pretty much gone.. now if I could just get rid of this damn pain! ugh