BCG (Tuberculosis) Vaccine


Near Cognac, France
I've been very interested in reading the cross-over threads discussing XMRV, autism, vaccines etc.

Many on this forum have commented on having had autism like symptoms pre illness.

Looking back, I was a happy well adjusted child up to late primary school stage (no sexual or other abuse that I can recall;)) but from the age of 10 or 11, I became steadily more socially phobic with a few good friends but hating crowds and strangers. I also have the face recognition problem. Nothing too serious but certainly suggestive of the autism/aspergers spectrum.

One thing I do recall from later primary school age is the dreaded 'six needles/BCG' vaccination against TB. BCG is a live 'attenuated' virus.

After doing a little web-surfing it appears that severe reactions to the vaccination (reported) are rare but involve the lymph glands and there are reports of post vaccination autism with the BCG and polio vaccines.

This link is an anecdote, but interesting :

There is much more robust data available and sites dedicated to post vaccine autism :

I can't help wondering if early childhood vaccinations 'set us up' for developing ME?


Near Cognac, France
On the subject of vaccines, the UK doctor who suggested a link between the MMR vaccine and autism is facing a disciplinary hearing with the possibility of being struck off.

I have to admit, when the link story broke, I thought - what an irresponsible sod. Now I'm not so sure.

I also have to wonder what might be in the UK ME papers to have them classified for 70 plus years. I don't usually buy into conspiracy theories but could vaccines be the answer?


Senior Member
I take my son to Dr. Wakefields clinic and in 11 years the treatment here is the only thing that has helped my son. It is dangerous for doctors to talk negativly about vaccines and Dr. Wakefield is a perfect example of this. Our bodies are meant to develope a natural immunity. If we mess with this are we not arrogant to think that there will not be consequences?


Senior Member
This is all interesting. When I was in 10th grade I had a positive TB test and was put on an anti-TB drug for a year....I was unusually tired on that that drug that whole year. I always wondered if it could have caused some kind of damage to my immune system or mitochondria which may then have been a predisposition for eventually getting a very severe mono case and then years later, CFS & mitochondrial disease. No drug one is on for a year is benigh, even if it does good in banishing TB it causes other harm. ~FernRhizome


Near Cognac, France
I was musing if there was any way of charting autism cases against vaccination practices in the UK. Obviously ME stats are either badly recorded or now so debased to be meaningless.

A quick scan of this site highlights similar problems with autism rates but also shows that a lot of work has been done on prevalence of autism (a mitochondrial disorder) and the link to vaccines.

I wonder when the UK BCG usage peaked? I believe the WHO only recommend routine vaccination when the TB rate is at a certain level. Could a peak vaccination rate in the late 60s early 70s explain the apparent ME peak in the 80s?

All speculation of course - as is any speculation that a known problem with vaccinations might be a sufficient reason for the UK to lock away official papers on ME for 70 years.

I think I need to get out more.


Diabetes is a Th1 disease.It is caused when monocytes and macrophages permeate the outer tissues of the pancreas and shut down production of insulin, and then insulin.Although we don't have confirming clinical data yet, I have little doubt that as folk recover on the MP, their Diabetes will also vanish.