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Bain Capital Now Owns UK Blood Supply


Senior Member
how far is this crap going to go?!
this is surreal!
international blood banking for crying out loud!


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
They do not own the blood, but the manufacture of blood products. Its still a bad idea though, as these things become private all accountability and transparency disappear except what little is mandated under law. For companies supplying essential services this is an issue. However the same could probably be said for many companies, I do not know that this case is unique.

The other issue is that state developed and owned industries supply revenue to the state. Sell it for fast bucks and you lose a continuing income stream. Its selling off the assets for cash without reinvesting. I understand their need for paying off government debt, but I do not know what kind of returns the government was getting here. Maybe it was dismal. Maybe it was a lot. Maybe they made cheaper product which reduced the costs associated with govt. hospitals and services. Its not a clear issue, but it is a worrying issue if this information was not public.


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
Carve up and sell off of the UK....and inevitable consequences like contamination.
UK government privatized the Coulport hydrogen bomb store, 25 miles form Glasgow, oh yes it's ok if we Scots get irradiated or cratered one day....stores over the nukes for Trident submarines, so usually over a hundred x 100 kiloton bombs
Privatizing the NHS and post Office etc
all so their rich crony pals can collect and give them backhanders

that government should *HANG*, sick of it.
They found traces of cocaine in every toilet in Westminster.
The horrendous scandal of massive child abuse rings including Cabinet members is not being silenced despite the government's attempts to do so.
Westminster is a stain on the face of the Earth :/


Senior Member
They do not own the blood, but the manufacture of blood products. Its still a bad idea though, as these things become private all accountability and transparency disappear except what little is mandated under law. For companies supplying essential services this is an issue. However the same could probably be said for many companies, I do not know that this case is unique.

No, sadly it is not unique, which is one thing that it so creepy about it.
But, as you say, it deals with the manufacture of blood products which itself, I'm sorry, just should NOT be a for-profit situation--and there go your "life-saving treatments for immune deficiencies, neurological diseases".