Yeah, totally, like me with the kidney infections - its not an option not to treat. Excuse me if I have already mentioned this, but did you look at the website dannybex posted and I reposted - I am seriously impressed by the guy's discussion of abx and probiotics and what really works. (sorry, Golden, I didn't make the link procedure work there...busted...)
I have your relationship with doxy - it works, and I've taken it for a long time, but it is starting to fail for me. So I can either up the ante or I can try and go round the problem for a bit. Fry reckoned some of his patients coming off it and staying off it for a year or so regained its benefits when they restarted. This doesn't fit anything I have ever read about resistance, but there you go.
It makes sense to me that your sinus issue flares when you stop one or other med, I don't suppose it really matters if its the abx or the anti-viral if you are just keeping the bug population under control. Sinus and dental infections, and allergy causing bug populations that aren't an acute infection, are among the very hardest to eliminate. Did you look at Scott's stuff? Anything new there?
I really think the gut is crucial with sinus and dental stuff too - after all, they are intimately connected anatomically - how are you on that score?
Medical aromatherapy does help with some sinus stuff, if you have anyone good there.
And what about the environmental stuff - what do you sleep on, whats your air quality like etc?