Bactrim for sinusitis?


Senior Member
Cranial Osteopathy is part of Perrin so I was suggesting for those that didn't have a Perrin Practitioner near them they could try Cranial on it's own. I have had a lot of tenderness since starting Perrin but my therapist seems very good at knowing just when and how to push things to make them better in the long run. I have found it the most useful thing I've tried so far.

Thanks :)

I too find The perrin technique as fundamental as breathing and the most valuable thing I have tried so far...

I might try a mctimoney practitioner to deal solely on my head/ neck and see if that boosts things ... hmmm :)


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
i dont think doxy has built any bacterial resistence, its probably one of the better antibiotics that has minimal problems with building resistance i just dont think its strong enough when a sinus infections gets too strong, i think because its bacteriostatic and not bacteriocidal is probably the reason for this. I use alot of wash/rinses etc and it helps but most of my issues are in the frontal sinuses so almost impossible to touch with any type of rinsing.

so the people who have had issues with bactrim had possible allergies to sulphur??


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
i have just ordered serrepatase which supposedly helps break down biofilms which can be an issue with antibiotics and resistence. I have read a few report on it helping people with chronic sinusitis, so will give it a shot, which i have been meaning to do for awhile??


Senior Member
Manchester UK
I've used it a lot - its always hard to say what works and doesn't, but biofilmwise, its a standard piece of kit. There are cautions to its use if you have a stomach ulcer.
I'm a big doxy fan, but there no abx remaining that are without issues in terms of resistance. It also doesn't have an especially anaerobic effect, which might well be what you need. I guess you've got as many allergens as poss out of your environment? Dr Myhill says its not always about the active infection, but your bodies own autoimmune/allergic response to the bugs.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Im not sure if it had anything to do with it, but a week or so before i got a cold and then sinusitis flared, i had just stopped immunovir. The 2 months prior to stopping immunovir was when i stopped the doxy and went well sinus wise until i stopped immunovir??

Anaerobic antibiotics maybe flagyl could be effective for flare ups? Yes sianrecovery i have tried allergy treatments and low carb diet does help reduce alot of common allergens in the diet. Im going to talk abit more about it with my doc, maybe keep a script of augmentin on hand for flare ups. Also thinking of a bactroban nasal spray. Doxy does keep it under control, maybe i came off it too soon earlier in the year, might be like antivirals and something i need to stay on as it has reduce the number of flare ups?

Its always a concern being on any treatment like antibiotics long term, i do use probiotics and nystatin to reduce any chances of gut issues from antibiotics. I cant just not treat sinusitis, not only are the sinus headaches bad but it does put my blood pressure up from the congestion in the frontal sinuses. Thank goodness the augmentin is helping now.


Senior Member
Manchester UK
Yeah, totally, like me with the kidney infections - its not an option not to treat. Excuse me if I have already mentioned this, but did you look at the website dannybex posted and I reposted - I am seriously impressed by the guy's discussion of abx and probiotics and what really works. (sorry, Golden, I didn't make the link procedure work there...busted...)
I have your relationship with doxy - it works, and I've taken it for a long time, but it is starting to fail for me. So I can either up the ante or I can try and go round the problem for a bit. Fry reckoned some of his patients coming off it and staying off it for a year or so regained its benefits when they restarted. This doesn't fit anything I have ever read about resistance, but there you go.
It makes sense to me that your sinus issue flares when you stop one or other med, I don't suppose it really matters if its the abx or the anti-viral if you are just keeping the bug population under control. Sinus and dental infections, and allergy causing bug populations that aren't an acute infection, are among the very hardest to eliminate. Did you look at Scott's stuff? Anything new there?
I really think the gut is crucial with sinus and dental stuff too - after all, they are intimately connected anatomically - how are you on that score?
Medical aromatherapy does help with some sinus stuff, if you have anyone good there.
And what about the environmental stuff - what do you sleep on, whats your air quality like etc?


Senior Member
Manchester UK
pps sorry, I'll stop in a minute - I wanted to pass on - I discovered quite by accident that heat helped abx resolved my dental infections faster - I did a long trip and wore my little carbon face mask, and the warmth really made a difference - and I duplicated the effect a number of times, and esp helpful with pain. I guess the warmth improves blood supply?


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Yeah, totally, like me with the kidney infections - its not an option not to treat. Excuse me if I have already mentioned this, but did you look at the website dannybex posted and I reposted - I am seriously impressed by the guy's discussion of abx and probiotics and what really works. (sorry, Golden, I didn't make the link procedure work there...busted...)
I have your relationship with doxy - it works, and I've taken it for a long time, but it is starting to fail for me. So I can either up the ante or I can try and go round the problem for a bit. Fry reckoned some of his patients coming off it and staying off it for a year or so regained its benefits when they restarted. This doesn't fit anything I have ever read about resistance, but there you go.
It makes sense to me that your sinus issue flares when you stop one or other med, I don't suppose it really matters if its the abx or the anti-viral if you are just keeping the bug population under control. Sinus and dental infections, and allergy causing bug populations that aren't an acute infection, are among the very hardest to eliminate. Did you look at Scott's stuff? Anything new there?
I really think the gut is crucial with sinus and dental stuff too - after all, they are intimately connected anatomically - how are you on that score?
Medical aromatherapy does help with some sinus stuff, if you have anyone good there.
And what about the environmental stuff - what do you sleep on, whats your air quality like etc?

I was actually also thinking of dropping the doxy for awhile and using minocycline instead, returning to doxy later on after a good break from it. Mino is used the same way as doxy?


Senior Member
p.s. siansrecovery link works for me now but when it re-directs me to the antibiotic page and I try to copy that link... that just takes me to a login page instead...

Oh no, people will know I am not a technical marvel now :( lol


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I think these nasal irragation techniques help for the lower sinus areas even just a normal saline nasal spray helps me but it doesnt do anything for frontal sinusitis which is the area across your forehead/brow. i wish i could just wash or scrap all the crap out of there.


Senior Member
Manchester UK
minocycline closely related to doxy, I believe, same mechanism of action. I've got something from the lyme group I went to I'll try and find and scan on abx that cross the blood brain barrier.
Take your point on the frontal sinuses anatomy Heaps - its a bugger. Still, I think what you are doing to reduce infection where you can is a good and rational thing to do.
That link works for me - although it did rather excitingly say 'forbidden' to start with. I owe it all to Golden and her technical advice.
I have a uber resistant dental infection, and am just resigning myself to another round of some nice, strong, broad spectrum abx. Am going to take amoxcillian and then add in tinadazole. Oh the frigging joy....

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
Heapsreal, here's a link about how to do a flush that works on all the sinuses. I don't remember if I found it on Phoenix Rising or on the NYT Health blog.

However, I don't think I would ever this kind of flush. It sounds risky and like it could make the infection worse. I will show the article to my ENT the next time I see her although she'd probably be appalled.

Again, I haven't done this flush and don't think I would. It is kind of interesting, though.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
i have just started taking serrapatase which is an anti-inflammatory enzyme which helps break down dead tissue etc and there seems to be good reviews on the internet, so throwing it into the mix and see what happens??


Senior Member
Sydney, NSW, Australia
i have just started taking serrapatase which is an anti-inflammatory enzyme which helps break down dead tissue etc and there seems to be good reviews on the internet, so throwing it into the mix and see what happens??

Was just going to say that! I'm going to try it too. Have some already LOL. Will compare notes. I have Dr's Best Serrapeptase, but here are some claims made for another brand. I'm interested in it's general blood thinning effects too & it's use in fighting Lyme.