I need to get that book by dr goldstein, i think it would be an interesting read. Im on gabapentin at the moment for restless legs after lyrica pooped out on me, gabapentin dose help but doesnt feel as effective for sleep like lyrica was, although probably a cross tolerence between them, but i do find with these meds they help improve sleep when used with another sleep med. I was on topamax for my legs but as dose got to 100mg thats when the side effcts started, chronic reflux where nothing hepled and a constant terrible metallic taste, where i would keep drinking to get rid of it.
Interesting Garcia how you say you adapt to sleep meds quickly, I have the same problem, nothing works more then 2 days in a row. So i alternate a few meds and use benzo's no more then 3 nights a week, the other nights i was using antihistamines or a tricyclic but now they are aggravating my legs. Gabapentin seems to help restless legs when i use seroquel, this might be due to its shorter half life then antihistamines etc, but when i use seroquel i have to makes sure i put aside 12 hours as it knocks me out and gives me a hangover, but its does help alot, i probably use it once a week. Lowering the dose seems to do nothing, when i find the right dose for sleep its 10-12hrs, as i have said lowering the dose doesnt reduce my sleep, just does not work. Some people i know can take the same med for years without tolerance, mmm be nice.
It would be nice to find a med that gives us 8hrs sleep every night without building a tolerance or give us a hangover, one day maybe.