B Complex or Multivitamins: which brand do you buy?


Senior Member
@mermaid I added Doctor Best above. I buy a couple of Higher Nature supplements but for B Complex and multi vits they don't say what the B12 is and list folic acid rather than folate.

Very true Jenny. I was going to say I didn't mind so much as I take folate separately and B12 anyway in the B complex , , (both Dr's Best) but just realised it has gluten in it, in the form of wheatgerm oil. Not sure how I missed this before and have been taking it for months! Also just bought a new pot. Aarrgh!

Jenny TipsforME

Senior Member
My Jarrow B Right is running out.

This time I'm trying Swanson Ultra Activated

With Souce Naturals B2 https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product...act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A29XQT09QVFTSI

And Swanson Hydroxy B12

The Ultra Activated seems like a basic all rounder with no extras I might react to.

But it might be slightly on the low side for things I require more of compared to healthies. When I did the Mendus diet thing I found symptoms reduced on higher B2 and B12 days, so sometimes I'll boost with extra of those ( https://tipsforme.wordpress.com/2015/06/17/mendus/ ).

From my 23andme SNPs I'll supposedly get on better with hydroxy B12 than the methyl type (not sure if convinced but might be worth trying).

Jennifer J

Senior Member
Southern California
@Valentijn @Marc_NL @Bansaw @Eastman @Mij @mermaid @ahmo @Thinktank

Thanks for your input. I kept flailing around the internet before, everything being wrong in some way. There are a number of suitable supplements though. Hopefully other people will find this useful too.

Extremely useful. Thank you everyone and thank you Jenny for the pictures of the ingredients labels! I've been spending a lot of time, flailing too and trying to figure this out. Reading your posts has helped.

@Jenny TipsforME how did it go trying different B complex brands?

I'm looking at Jarrow B Right and the Swanson Ultra Activated, as well as a couple of others.

I saw you and a couple of other people were using Jarrow B Right. I like what's in it yet I'm concerned about the high niacin. I took a niacin tablet years ago and had the strangest reaction. The folds of my elbows grew, it was freakish looking, and I had tingling, prickly feelinga and flush that was so uncomfortable. Not sure about the amount that was in that tablet and if this will happen with the high amount in Jarrow's.

Also, I like much of what's in Swanson Ultra Activated. My hesitancy with it (from what little I've read) I was hoping to have a supplement with much more Biotin and Choline than it has. Not sure how necessary it is. The Ultra has Biotin only 8% - 25 mcg and Choline 25 mg. Their High Potency one has Biotin only 17% - 50 mcg and Choline 50 mg.

I don't have the money to buy additional supplements to make up for this. My diet is bad due to reactions, ability and finances, and I'm on long term H2. Is it better for me to have a B complex with 100% Biotin and at least 200 mg Choline?

Not to side track (or derail) but keep realizing two of the previous posters here are on moderation. :( We miss you.

Edit: On wiki for Biotin I see that the amount for 100% has been changed by the government bodies. If I read this right, it looks like 30 mcg is now considered 100% instead of 300 mcg. So Swanson's ought to be good for what I'm looking for other than I'd like higher amount of Choline.
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Jenny TipsforME

Senior Member
@Jennifer J glad you’ve found this helpful.

I haven’t used a systematic comparison (I used to record symptoms and supplements on the ME/CFS app and get graphs, but that seems to have folded :(). My subjective impression is that the Swanson ones didn’t benefit me as much. This may or may not be due to lower choline and biotin?

In a moment of fog, I mistakenly reordered the Solgar B50 when I meant to order Jarrow. So that’s the one I have at the moment with its scandalous folic acid ;). I did originally perceive improvement on Solgar though so I don’t think it’s terrible for me.

But I’ve drastically reduced the amount of supplements I’m taking at the moment and I’m not taking B50 everyday. This isn’t particularly thought through, I had diarrhoea and just haven’t reintroduced everything.

Jennifer J

Senior Member
Southern California

(I don't know why this keeps turning light blue. I keep highlighting and changing the color to black yet still. And my err what? emoji isn't coming out right!:( ) Thanks @pamojja for below comment. Fixed it now. :thumbsup:

@Jenny TipsforME, thank you. :)

I hope these questions aren't taking your thread off track. Thought the answers might help others too who don't know and are trying to make decisions regarding B Complex brands.

Was wondering I only know a little about choline and biotin (can't at this point research it more), how important is having higher amounts in my choice of B Complex? It seems most have lower amounts and many don't have choline at all.

Also, I keep seeing in the posts to choose folate above folic acid. I was wondering why?

I don't know anything yet about methylation (?sp). At this point I need/want to take a B Complex due to various things (burning mouth, food sensitivities, ears I can't touch without hurting and turning red, and might help with dry mouth) that are causing me problems that may be attributed to lack of Bs. Fingers crossed that's the magic fixer pill for those and I can tolerate it.
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Senior Member
(I don't know why this keeps turning light blue. I keep highlighting and changing the color to black yet still. And my err what? emoji isn't coming out right!:( )

Because the whole text accidentally turned into a link. Above the text edit field there is a bar with different formatting buttons. One is a chain-element for adding a link, an other with an additional x for removing links.


Senior Member
Also, I keep seeing in the posts to choose folate above folic acid. I was wondering why?

Folic acid has to be converted in the body in 5 steps into bio-active methylfolate. That doesn't works in upto 50% of the population, additionally at high enough doses even blocks folate receptors. So even bio-active folate can't to it's functions.

Jenny TipsforME

Senior Member
It has all Bs except B12 which I take separately.
That’s an interesting strategy. I take it with a bit of a pinch of salt but according to that Yasko approach and my specific SNPs I’m meant to avoid the methyl supplements. These are considered better for most people so it’s hard to find a decent B complex or multivitamin without methyl B12. I do also have sublingual hydroxyB12 but this is then as-well-as or instead-of.


Senior Member
Bumping an old thread. I’m having a difficult time finding a multi that has the balance I need. LEF 2 Per Day would be perfect at 1 cap, except it just has too much b6 for me and causes cold hands and extremely low estrogen levels. But the 200mcg methylfolate and 150mcg Methyl b12 is just right. I’ll be experimenting with the Basic Nutrients III formula at 2 caps for a while to see if that balance works, which would be 3.3mg p5p, 333mcg methylfolate and 150mcg Methyl-b12. I could always add just a little extra p5p if it’s not enough as well. But too much folate and b12 makes my histamine reactions bad.