The transdermoil B-12 is still available. The company had a change in their board of directors, and ownership of the former website went with an exiting board member. They are working on a new website for ordering, but meanwhile you can find more information here: and here: .
For now, the way to order transdermoil B12 is to email the developer of the product, Dr. Gregory Russell-Jones, who is also the director of the company, Mentor Pharmaceutical Consulting. His email is He can give you pricing information, or answer any questions you might have, and once you make arrangements with him to purchase the product, he will send you an invoice for payment via paypal. As a PhD biochemist, he is very knowledgable about biochemistry, MTHFR mutations, methylation, and related health conditions.
Not all topical B12 products have the chemistry to be absorbable and utilized by the body. Greg has been most generous in sharing his knowledge about B12 chemistry with me and the reasons why his product is so efficacious and some others aren't. I have been using his trandermoil B12 since April 2013 and am very pleased with my outcome. He understands the importance of B12 to many of us and has promised to continue availability of his product.
I have no financial interest in this product, but I like to promote it because I think it's a great product and I want to help assure it stays available. The volume of sales needs to be sufficient to make it financially viable. Greg would like to run a clinical trial, but these things cost a lot of money, so selling more product would help bring in the funds to make that possible.