
Senior Member

one differential diagnoses to rule out with mycobacteria disease is fungal infection, in a bad water damaged building there will be bacteria, in biofilms they can co-exsist, evolution, superbugs, and even the fact that some antibiotic's (mold derived) can cause yeast infections and Ig to candida Al. right along with Ig's to molds in a water damaged building, and the simple fact that mold exposure and environmental exposure in general has been so completely ignored for so long and it was long thought that you had to be immune compromised to even get a fungal infection is hog wash, we know that now, nothing like getting severely ill from a water damaged building in 2001 and having multiple doctors tell you your nuts that mold cant hurt you to make you keep telling yourself you got to keep a open mind with research

Jonathan Edwards

keep telling yourself you got to keep a open mind with research

Absolutely agree. But an open mind is there to let new ideas in. Molecular mimicry is a bit like Great Grandad's leather ice-skating boots in the attic - that he never in fact wore and if you pick them up the leather falls to bits.


Senior Member
Ok, but I still feel that if you are not willing to rule out that molecular mimicry might cause Gullain-Barre Syndrome, it is a bit unfair to say that the idea of molecular mimicry is rubbish. It seems to me that it would be fairer to say that you think it is wrong in most, if not all cases.

The article I quoted refers to the chronic condition as the counterpart to Gullain-Barre Syndrome, but perhaps they are using the term ´counterpart´ differently to how I interpreted it.

What I was meaning for GB was that although there might perhaps be a cross reaction involved following an immune response to a bacterium we really need some other bit of explanation to indicate why this should occur with only one out o f thousands of bacterial species and one out of 40,000 human proteins.

To me this seems analogous to saying that we need to explain why only Earth, in the trillions and trillions of planets that likely exist in the universe, can sustain life. Do we know that it is the only one?


Senior Member
this first one really got my attn.

Xenobiotics and loss of tolerance in primary biliary cholangitis.
The role of molecular mimicry and other factors in the association of Human Endogenous Retroviruses and autoimmunity

Year : 2016CASE REPORT
Guillain–Barré syndrome following hepatitis E 6308;year=2016;volume=16;issue=1;spage=82;epage=85;aulast=Dasgupta


Senior Member
I'm not a immunologist, but I know immunology pretty dang well, I've looked at every part of for 9 years, I never thought I'd say this but it always comes back to molecular mimicry and when you think about it that's all we have that would explain why we are all here with likely different causes and frankly after what I went through in the water damaged home, two of them , I can see this happening, I can so no I cant rule it out unless something better comes along, even the mast cells brought me back to molecular mimicry.