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Autoimmune Encephalitis Test: Quest vs LabCorp


Senior Member
Northern California
Hi, Comrades,

My psychiatrist has offered to order serum Autoimmune Encephalitis testing from Quest or LabCorp for me. I feel very lucky.

We are aware that the Gold Standard for confirming Autoimmune Encephalitis is to collect blood and CSF simultaneously and send them off to the Mayo Clinic for cutting-edge analysis. However, that is not an option for us right now.

1. Does anyone have strong feelings one way of the other about the quality of antibody testing at LabCorp versus Quest?

2. Any opinions on LabCorp AE Panel vs Quest AE Panel are also welcome. I know that Quest does Cell-Based Assay tests, which are more reliable than ELISA, but it appears that Quest's panel is much more limited than LabCorp's.

It feels like this test is 10 years too late, but I want to take advantage of this offer and choose the best possible option.

Thank you anyone and everyone willing to give this some thought and help me make this decision. ❤️

LabCorp: https://www.labcorp.com/tests/505535/autoimmune-encephalopathy-profile



Senior Member
I think they are very close to the same. I made a spreadsheet of each test/antibody and they only differed by like 1 antibody. I can post it when I get to my computer.

In terms of types of test. They both use IFA & Line blots. Labcorp also uses cell-based assays on some of the antibodies. Look closely at each of the antibodies and type of test run on them.


Senior Member
Hello Zebra....Over the years I've had plenty of experience with both labs.

I had brain surgery a number of years ago, and it was at the time of AIDS. The surgeon wanted autologous (your own blood) blood so I dutifully went and had it taken. Yes, only to find out it had been left in the hallway all weekend waiting to be picked up! All wasted and the surgeon was furious.

Just this year I had another failure by the same lab (LabCorp). I don't particularly want to use them again....but I will say that I'm sure people have had similar problems with Quest. Just ask questions, such as when is the blood picked up?

I do wish you could have the definitive test which is the Cleveland Clinic, at least at this time. I had autoimmune encephalitis and had to be tested twice....spinal fluid taken each time in addition to blood tests. That time was a bit of a blur for me, to say the least. I wish you good luck in your decision. Yours, Lenora


Senior Member
I do wish you could have the definitive test which is the Cleveland Clinic, at least at this time. I had autoimmune encephalitis and had to be tested twice....spinal fluid taken each time in addition to blood tests. That time was a bit of a blur for me, to say the least. I wish you good luck in your decision. Yours, Lenora
What makes the Cleveland Clinic test definitive? So, only your spinal fluid showed any autoantibodies, not blood?


Senior Member
Northern California
My psychiatrist is backpedaling on ordering the serum testing mentioned above, but I wanted to circle back to this post and attach some documents that may be helpful to others going forward.

The field of neuroimmunology has grown in leaps and bounds since I got sick in 2014. This makes me sad and angry for my own case, and all that I've lost (physically, cognitively, mentally, financially, socially), but happy and hopeful for those who may be able to get timely evaluation and treatment.

1. LabCorp: matrix of ALL currently offered (2024) neuro-immune panels from LC. They are listed in table format for easy comparison.

2. Quest: matrix of ALL currently offered (2024) neuro-immune panels from Quest. They are listed in table format for easy comparison.


  • LabCorpNeuroMatrix.pdf
    44.9 KB · Views: 13
  • QuestNeuroImmuneMatrix.pdf
    685.1 KB · Views: 39


Senior Member

A summary:

What is Autoimmune Encephalitis​

For instance, herpes simplex virus (HSV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and streptococcal infections have been implicated in triggering abnormal immune responses that affect the brain.
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