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Autoimmune Dementia


Senior Member
New England

Above is a long seminar in Neurology on what is known about dementia from autoimmune processes and how its features differ from the better known forms of dementia. This information stikes me as relevant for a lot of us with ME/CFS. However, I do not feel sufficiently sharp or well informed scientifically to comment. I pass it on for evaluation here.


Senior Member
I've been reading a bit on this lately, it is very interesting that they blame the same antibodies for POTS, also for dementias.. alpha1 adrenergic and beta 2. Approx 50% of dementia patients are positive for alpha1/beta2...
Although not surprising since dementias are so linked to cardiovascular diseases.
There was one very successful pilot study with immunoadsorption for alpha1 positive dementia patients and they managed to completely stop dementia progression for 18 months after 4 days of IA.

I'm considering this seriously as I've always felt like I have something like youth-dementia version with so many overlapping symptoms except for long term memory problems :woot:

My alpha 1 is now 43 , last year was 35. beta2 also highe than last year.....



Think i am a perfect candidate but not sure if they perform IA private anywhere and 20,000EUR price (I believe) is hard decision for me. If IVIG doesnt help , not much else to try.

IVIG for Alzheimers failed but they used i think only 0.8g/kg

here is the study https://sci-hub.tw/10.1111/1744-9987.12415
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I've been reading a bit on this lately, it is very interesting that they blame the same antibodies for POTS, also for dementias.. alpha1 adrenergic and beta 2. Approx 50% of dementia patients are positive for alpha1/beta2...
Although not surprising since dementias are so linked to cardiovascular diseases.
There was one very successful pilot study with immunoadsorption for alpha1 positive dementia patients and they managed to completely stop dementia progression for 18 months after 4 days of IA.

I'm considering this seriously as I've always felt like I have something like youth-dementia version with so many overlapping symptoms except for long term memory problems :D

My alpha 1 is now 43 , last year was 35. beta2 also highe than last year.....

View attachment 29721
View attachment 29722

Think i am a perfect candidate but not sure if they perform IA private anywhere and 20,000EUR price (I believe) is hard decision for me. If IVIG doesnt help , not much else to try.

IVIG for Alzheimers failed but they used i think only 0.8g/kg

here is the study https://sci-hub.tw/10.1111/1744-9987.12415

Very interesting, thanks for sharing! Have you considered helminthic therapy for your autoantibodies?


Senior Member
Cipher , I only heard of it but didnt research, I am kinda scared of any self-treatment after my nightmarish experience with Coimbra protocol for autoimmunity.
I am scared of IVIG too but well...

IA seems least scary and most promising (based on very little reading i did :D )


Cipher , I only heard of it but didnt research, I am kinda scared of any self-treatment after my nightmarish experience with Coimbra protocol for autoimmunity.
I am scared of IVIG too but well...

IA seems least scary and most promising (based on very little reading i did :D )

I have no personal experience with helminthic therapy (yet!), but I've read a lot about it. It's one of the most effective therapies for autoimmune/inflammatory disorders that I've come across, and it's very safe if used correctly. Here's some links if you want to read more about it:
