I just came across the following and thought it could be of interest to other Australians here. I can see in my case the National standards have been breached..
National Disability Service Standards
The National Service Standards address the following:
Standard 1: Service access
Each person with a disability seeking a service has access to a service on the basis of relative need and available resources.
Standard 2: Individual needs
Each person with a disability receives a service that is designed to meet, in the least restrictive way, his or her individual needs and personal goals.
Standard 3: Decision-Making and choice
Each person with a disability has the opportunity to participate as fully as possible in making decisions about the events and activities of his or her daily life in relation to the service he or she receives.
Standard 4: Privacy, dignity and confidentiality
Each service recipient’s right to privacy, dignity and confidentiality in all aspects of his or her life is recognised and respected.
Standard 5: Participation and integration
Each person with a disability is supported and encouraged to participate and be involved in the community.
Standard 6: Valued roles
Each person with a disability has the opportunity to develop and maintain skills and to participate in activities that enable him or her to achieve valued roles in the community.
Standard 7: Complaints and disputes
Each service recipient is encouraged to raise and have resolved without fear of retribution, any complaints or disputes he or she may have regarding the agency or the service.
Standard 8: Service Management
Each agency adopts quality management systems and practices that optimise outcomes for service recipients.
Standard 9: Employment conditions
Each person with a disability enjoys working conditions comparable to those of the general workforce.
Standard 10: Service recipient training / support
The employment opportunities of each person with a disability are optimised by effective and relevant training and support.
Standard 11: Staff recruitment and training
Each person employed to deliver services to the service recipient has relevant skills and competencies
Standard 12: Protection of human rights and freedom from abuse
The agency acts to prevent abuse and neglect and to uphold the legal and human rights of service recipients.