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Aussie ME case - Theda Myint


Senior Member
Sth Australia
http://www.watoday.com.au/wa-news/c...sia-attempt-20110419-1dmuu.html#ixzz1K1Q6mty4 (20th April 2011)
Some may of read news article on Theda Myint in the past when her and her mother were going public as they were trying everything to get care for Theda Myint.

Theda has recently since starting to try to take her own life due to the ME and ended up being locked away in mental ward where she was badly treated, her pain etc ignored.

(Just like what happened to me in past, thou a different Aussie hospital in a different state, if anyone has her or her mothers contact details..could you please send pm to me. I really would like to get in touch with her mother for a couple of reasons)


Some past news stories on
Theda http://www.watoday.com.au/wa-news/donations-help-theda-fight-chronic-illness-20100310-pyzw.html (March 11 2010)
(May 12th 2011)


The poor girl, I hope she is released soon.

(The medical profession won't help us live with this hellish physical illness, and if we try to commit suicide becuase there is no treatment or belief we are locked up and abused. It's like something out of an evil version of Alice in Wonderland)


Senior Member
Sth Australia
The poor girl, I hope she is released soon.

She's out now. Her family went to the media about it and she was only then properly treated (given painkillers) and released. Very lucky she had family who did that and went public about it.

It was then that Ms Adams appealed to WAtoday.com.au for help. After a call was placed by this website to the hospital on Saturday morning, Ms Myint began getting the treatment she required and that afternoon she was released from hospital.

"It was only in desperation that we contacted the media, as our requests to the hospital had been refused," Ms Adams said.


Senior Member
I'd be willing to bet a lot of the way she was treated was intentional especially after the psychiatrist became involved. The staff probably figured (as a combination of it's all in her head and shes faking it.) that if they stopped, coddling, catering and waiting on her and made her uncomfortable she would magically improve and start behaving proper hoping to be let out.

A Fremantle Hospital spokeswoman refused to directly address Ms Adams' accusations about her daughter's treatment.

"We have every confidence in the care provided to Theda during her recent admission to Fremantle Hospital," she said. "We are unable to comment any further due to patient confidentiality."

Health Minster Kim Hames also declined to comment on Ms Myint's treatment at Fremantle Hospital last week, citing issues of patient confidentiality.

Don't you just Love how they use Patient Confidentiality, which is meant to protect the patient to protect themselves instead.

Ms Adams' previous appeals to the state government to subsidise in-home treatments have been ignored, with Dr Hames previously telling the family that he was "unable to direct any doctor to provide care outside what they consider to be standard medical practice".
Let me guess he's going by what the so called CFS experts consider to be the "standard medical practice" for treating CFS.
Bu Bu But the experts say all it really is, is.... And all you have to do is.... And if that doesn't work the patient is just being difficult.


Doing Well
Thanks for posting this Tania :thumbsup:

I have threatened media exposure when I have ran out of options, I'm so glad her family have the guts to back her in her hour of need.

I've tried doing a more recent search & found Theda briefly spoke on a segment on Lyme on Today Tonight, it can be viewed on this link.
She has tested positive for Lyme.


Ward staff informed Ms Adams that they would not be able to provide food for her daughter due to her intolerances to potatoes, gluten, eggs, lactose and legumes brought on by her condition. In desperation, the family was forced to turn to highly processed food from a vending machine after Ms Myint went without food for two days.
Ive had this experience in 4 out of 5 hospitals despite being there for an entire week, but this is outrageous. If someone were refusing to eat something on the grounds of cultural differences, diabetes etc theyd be accomodated. BTW the one who had soy milk etc was a wee country hospital so it can't be money issue.

She was in so much pain. As soon as she was put in the locked ward, her ME needs were not being met," Ms Adams said. "She was in a nine out of 10 for pain, and she was being refused treatment for that.
This is disgraceful. This would never happen to someone with cancer or MS, at least not that Ive heard of.

"We have every confidence in the care provided to Theda during her recent admission to Fremantle Hospital," she said. "We are unable to comment any further due to patient confidentiality."
I think that says it all, any decent hospital would admit there is always room for improvement. I agree with you Desdinova.

It would be great if someone on Facebook could give us an update. Both Theda & her partner Blake Graham have pages with updates on her progress & treatment plans. I can't find anything from this year unfortunately.

I really needed to go to the ER last week when I had Bronchitis as I was having trouble breathing. My husband was too scared to take me as he has seen how badly they treat me when Im not in a relapse. I fear if I went whilst in a relapse theyd section me.
Instead we muddle through at home CPAP machine) is scary, one day I swear Ill kick off from lack of medical attention.


Doing Well
My husband just raised an interesting point : could Centrelink dock their pensions because of the donations? I would think it would be considered a gift but you never know with these government departments.
I certainly hope not.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
My husband just raised an interesting point : could Centrelink dock their pensions because of the donations? I would think it would be considered a gift but you never know with these government departments.
I certainly hope not.

If Im remembering correctly the Centrelink stuff.. I think there is something declaring gifts including money ones.. but only if they are over a certain amount.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Ive had this experience in 4 out of 5 hospitals despite being there for an entire week, but this is outrageous. If someone were refusing to eat something on the grounds of cultural differences, diabetes etc theyd be accomodated. BTW the one who had soy milk etc was a wee country hospital so it can't be money issue.

sorry to hear you have had this issue too.

The food issue is one Ive come across too when in hospital. One time I was in hospital, I didnt eat for friday night, sat, sun or monday expect one time when my mother was able to visit and she run down to a deli a brought back somethig I could eat for my lunch (steak and salad).. if it wasnt for my mum coming in that day, I would of gone FOUR days in hospital without food.

They wouldnt provide me with a low carb diet my nutritionist had me on for my insulin issues and if I break it.. I get severe issues eg I probably would of decked someone had I broke my diet as doing so gives me extreme mood swings, GERD and makes other ME symptoms worst.

I got admitted into hospital on a Friday night into one of the 2 big hospitals of the city.. and they said they couldnt cater for my special diet as ALL special diets had to be approved by their nutritionist.

Thing was their nutritionist wasnt available on weekends and it was a public holiday on the Monday.. terrible for one of the biggest hospitals in the state.. so yeah.. that meant no food for me cause ALL their meals were HIGH carbs.. eg breakfast toast or cereal.. lunch.. sandwiches.. dinner ..pasta or other things I couldnt eat.

So here I was in hospital.. very sick and couldnt eat for days and hence didnt, cause they were unwilling to give me low carb foods (completely irronic when they must have heaps of diabetes patients.. they wouldnt even give me an egg).

They finally approved a low carb diet for me on the Tuesday (when I'd been there since Friday).

I hope if I ever get my ME story public.. I hope I wont forgot to mention this experience of bad treatment too.

It would be great if someone on Facebook could give us an update.

I'd love to hear an update on Theta too on how she's doing now.

I really needed to go to the ER last week when I had Bronchitis as I was having trouble breathing. My husband was too scared to take me as he has seen how badly they treat me when Im not in a relapse. I fear if I went whilst in a relapse theyd section me.
Instead we muddle through at home CPAP machine) is scary, one day I swear Ill kick off from lack of medical attention.



Senior Member
My husband just raised an interesting point : could Centrelink dock their pensions because of the donations? I would think it would be considered a gift but you never know with these government departments.
I certainly hope not.

Ensure the gifts go to the parents?


Doing Well
That's an idea Hixxy, her Mum was on a pension probably old age, I think that may be a little more lenient? I'd love to know if they bought her a hyperbaric (?) chamber.

The Lyme situation is at least getting some media coverage now, let's see how long they ignore that.

Thanks Tania, we have had similar crappy experiences lol. Forget getting anything organised in hospital on weekends, packed ER, skeleton staff, no cleaners if you throw up on yourself. I'd love to write reviews for public hospitals...

If only we could have ended up on the same ward :p, we could have raised hell. Mwoohaha!


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I'd love to write reviews for public hospitals...

LOL. that comment made me laugh.

Yeah they should be employing ME patients to write the public hospital reviews.. I cant think of a better patient group to do that.. and maybe we could do a not bad job at that job. (I can imagine laying in bed or on the seat Im laying down in now.. typing out my latest hospital experience).

If anyone ever tells me I should go and and get a job.. Im going to suggest they find me that job :)

ps.. thank you to the Mods, I just noticed you changed the heading for me.. thanks :)


Senior Member
I personally think all doctors need to have their performance reviewed in some manner. I'm not entirely sure how this could be accomplished though. At the end of the day, it's the doctors responsibility to ensure the patient and the family of the patient are satisfied with the outcome. It's not about the doctor's satisfaction. The idea is to reduce symptoms -- if the treatment doesn't do this in the long term, then it most definitely must be wrong. I can't see any kind of forced hospitalisation for someone with ME or MCS as achieving this.


Senior Member
Just devastating news. According to her FB page, Theda died last night.

Heartfelt condolences to her family and love from the UK.



Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
The poor girl, I hope she is released soon.

(The medical profession won't help us live with this hellish physical illness, and if we try to commit suicide becuase there is no treatment or belief we are locked up and abused. It's like something out of an evil version of Alice in Wonderland)

Malice in Wonderland?


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
On food issues, my seven and a half weeks in hospital earlier this year had me running into a nutritional deficiency, of all things for omega-6 fats. I had clear symptoms, including seriously peeling skin. I started ordering butter or low-trans margarine with every meal to counter act it, but it was not enough. Even the nutritionist was baffled, this is not a problem they typically see, nor were they in a position to deal with it. It is however something I think most with ME are vulnerable to.

I just read that Theda died. This is so very sad, I hope her family and friends are doing OK.


iherb code TAK122
So very sad, such a beautiful girl, her parents must be devastated. Heartbreaking.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Just devastating news. According to her FB page, Theda died last night.

Heartfelt condolences to her family and love from the UK.


Just devastating news. According to her FB page, Theda died last night.

Heartfelt condolences to her family and love from the UK.


:( yeah that devastating . Ive just found out and are crying over it. Ive followed her story for a very long time and tried to get mail to her too (no idea if she ever got it).

One wonders just how much the Australian medical system was responsible for her death, I do certainly hold it responsible some.. all the shit and abuse she had to go throu all the while of having a severe illness.

condolences to her family