Attention Canadians: AVIVA contest


Patient in training
AVIVA is holding its charity contest again this year, and we have submitted a project to fund medical equipment for the incoming Comex Chronic Diseases Clinic in Vancouver, with Dr Alison Bested as medical director.

The clinic is scheduled to open in early 2013, and we thought it would be nice to furnish it with a tilt table, an exercise bike and monitoring equipment for cardio-pulmonary testing along with proper training for staff that would perform these tests.

You can help us by voting in the first round from October 1st to 15th. you need to be Canadian to vote. You will be given 15 votes and you can vote daily, however you cannot use all of your 15 votes in the same day for the same project. You can view the project her

And "like" the facebook page here : You can even vote from the Facebook page.

We need voters! We need to win!

For Canadians who are not near Vancouver, what's in it for you?
Well, a successful clinic would be setting a precedent in Canada, and likely would help your province in providing similar services for their population.

Please join us with voting for our future. And please with your family, friends and other patient communities, may it be ME, fibro or Lyme. Thank you.


senior member
Concord, NH
I have some family in Quebec, not really close, but perhaps they would vote? Can you (or someone you know) translate this into French?



Patient in training
It seems that you can't vote now until October 1st or am I doing something wrong?
That's right Kina, voting is from October 1st to October 15th in the first round. You can join the Facebook group for daily reminders and direct voting. Thank you so much for sharing Alison. We sure hope that she will have all the support she can to make this new venture successful.


Senior Member
I'd also like to point out that you DO NOT need facebook to vote. You can vote from the company's website if prefer not to use facebook (like me :)).
You do have to register if you do it this way, but all that requires is simply supplying them with an email address and a password. If you participated in Aviva contest last year as I did, you can use the same email and password as last year. I checked to see if mine still worked -- It did.
Start making a list of all your Canadian friends and relatives.


Patient in training
I have some family in Quebec, not really close, but perhaps they would vote? Can you (or someone you know) translate this into French?

Attention quebecois et canadiens francophones.

Une clinique d'encephalopathie myalgique, fibromyalgie et maladie de la Lyme a besoin de quelques minutes de votre temps. Un concours determinera par vote qui gagnera des gros lots pour leur charite de leur choix.

SVP votez du 1er Octobre jusqu'au 15 Octobre une fois par jour sur un des liens de votre choix:

Sur Facebook:
"Aimez" cette page, et on va vous rappeler de voter a tous les jours. liquez sur le bouton jaune pour voter

Ou bien sur le site AVIVA:



Senior Member
There is another thread on this contest in the Fundraising section: "2012 Aviva Contest -- Funding Opportunity for Medical Equipment for ME" it has more details of how we are doing.
We need to be in the top 10 in our category (large) to get into the semi-finals. Currently we are in 16th spot.
This round is half over.

We need everyone to VOTE DAILY. People from any country can vote. Please ask your friends and family to vote.


Senior Member
We moved up 2 places! :thumbsup: And we are very close to the one just ahead of us. We are now in 14th place and SHOULD be able to take 13th some time today if we all vote.

There are only 6 days left (including today) and we need to move into the top 10 to move on to the semi-finals. We are so close.
Please vote today. Anyone from any country can vote.


Patient in training
How to vote:

Please if you are cognitively challenged, send me an private message with your email address and I will get you registered. It will be my pleasure to assist you.

1. Google ACF13624 and press enter- select the first item on the list and click it.
2. Register- this is a one time only- you can easily register if you have a facebook account. Pick that option for a quick sign in. If you don't have a Facebook account, select the email option. Enter email X 2 and a password that you can remember X 2 as requested. Then go check your email, and click on the link to validate
3. Return on the same page, and VOTE, it's a blue button in the middle of the page. And you're done for 24 hours.

It's easy and it's quick.

Currently we are in a fragile 11th 1 vote away from the playground people and a few ahead of the skateboarders people. (These people will start voting when they wake up. ) We want our health back. Please help us. Dr Bested is 100% supporting this project and is excited with the possibilities it would engender. Everyone in the community would benefit from this, as we would have an extra team to do research.

Thank you and let us know you have voted. Please, share widely!


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
Kati, have voted regularly, and am reminding our local group frequently via a listserv we have. Worth really trying! And thanks again for getting this going! Best, Chris


Patient in training
Many thanks to everyone who is voting!

We are currently 10th and we would be qualifying for semi-finals if we remained 10th until Monday- Everyone's support is needed in order to secure this position!

Chris, thank you for sharing with your listserv. We have reached many, many networks locally, nationally and internationally- and the more the merrier. The Lyme community is now on board with this as well and this is helping.

It's the final crunch to the finish line, let's do this! Vote!


Patient in training


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