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They say that the Norwegian study on Rituximab in ME/CFS is the most viewed on PLoS ONE with more than 16.000 views. 
They say that the Norwegian study on Rituximab in ME/CFS is the most viewed on PLoS ONE with more than 16.000 views.![]()
These articles [i.e. this list of most-viewed articles] are updated daily, based on usage data from the previous 30 days.
Um, I think that's just a current figure, i.e. it's at the top of the list currently, not an all-time figure.
Very well observed Kauro! The pilot study for Rituximab was published the same year, but whether they knew about it when publishing their own paper is hard to say without dates. It takes some months from sending it to print until it's published.
The wikipedia intro for ACA was really fascinating: "Anti-cardiolipin antibodies (ACA) are antibodies often directed against cardiolipin and found in several diseases including syphilis[1], antiphospholipid syndrome, livedoid vasculitis, vertebrobasilar insufficiency, Behet's syndrome[2], idiopathic spontaneous abortion,[3] and systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE)."
Awwwww, I thought I thunk up that term myself. Well, I did, but I thought I was the first.![]()
For comparison, the PACE trial found a SF36 score change of 7.1 for CBT and 9.4 for GET. However, the enormous difference with PACE is that it was unblinded so the SF36 scores there might be biased by participants in the treatment groups (the 'therapeutic alliance' between patients and therapists was rated 'very high' so patients might unconsciously boost their scores to make their therapist look good). In the Fluge trial all particpants were blinded to which treatment they had.As far as I know, the maximum change is calculated per individual, so an improvement of 15 points is 50% for someone with a baseline score of 30 but only 25% for a patient with a baseline score of 60. However, to get a useable figure here I applied the mean maximum change to the mean baseline score.
the presented findings may have a major impact on the direction of biomedical research in CFS.
?-2A Increase Subgroup (34/48 CFS subjects): This group exhibited
large gene expression increases after exercise in the following genes:
P2X4, P2X5, TRPV1, ?-2A, ?-1, ?-2, COMT and IL10. "Interestingly, the
genes found to be dysregulated in the present study represent most of
the pathways hypothesized by others to be altered in CFS.
Endorphins effect the immune system by enhancing natural killer cell response and reducing B-cell (antibody) activity and LDN's effectiveness is being tested in several autoimmune diseases.
LDN appears to effect the functioning of the regulatory immune cells in the central nervous system called microglial cells. Upon activation by infection or cell damage micoglial cells produce pro-inflammatory cytokines, reactive oxygen species (free radicals) and nitric oxide. Microglial cells may be a key component of the 'sickness response' that produces fatigue, fluey feelings, pain, etc. when we come down with an infection. Some researchers believe that microglial cells are chronically turned on in ME/CFS and fibromyalgia. LDN appears to block a receptor on the microglial cells thus inhibiting their activation.
Mean net maximum change=9.5 points (0-100 scale)
For comparison, the PACE trial found a SF36 score change of 7.1 for CBT and 9.4 for GET. However, the enormous difference with PACE is that it was unblinded so the SF36 scores there might be biased by participants in the treatment groups (the 'therapeutic alliance' between patients and therapists was rated 'very high' so patients might unconsciously boost their scores to make their therapist look good). In the Fluge trial all particpants were blinded to which treatment they had.
So, 9.5 is a pretty good improvement, and in most trials that would cause a stir - but it isn't absolutely enormous either.
Thanks for that OB. 34 to 44 is kind of great... but it certainly isn't a cure!
I'm hopeful about this study... but I think it's possible that we're just seeing a placebo response from an active drug - admittedly, a more impressive placebo response than there was with CBT/GET... but PACE has left me with a lasting cynicism about claims of treating CFS. If it was a real affect then there's a great hope that this would lead on to more real understanding and effective treatments for CFS, even if Rituximab itself is of only limited worth.
Just adding my post from the Research forum here in case anyone can help:
Has anyone thought about how the autoimmune aspect might be reconciled with the gene expression alterations detected by Light et al?
At first glance I can't see an obvious way that the two could fit together, ACA autoantibodies attacking mitochondria can explain a portion of the symptomatology but not all, and I struggle to see how pain/fatigue receptors would be upgregulated as a result of these autoantibodies. That said, my knowledge of autoimmune diseases is very limited so I'd love it if someone could enlighten me.
J Neurosci. 2011 Jan 19;31(3):1114-27.
Mitochondrial reactive oxygen species are activated by mGluR5 through IP3 and activate ERK and PKA to increase excitability of amygdala neurons and pain behavior.
Li Z, Ji G, Neugebauer V.
Department of Neuroscience and Cell Biology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas 77555-1069, USA.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as superoxide are emerging as important signaling molecules in physiological plasticity but also in peripheral and spinal cord pain pathology. Underlying mechanisms and pain-related ROS signaling in the brain remain to be determined. Neuroplasticity in the amygdala plays a key role in emotional-affective pain responses and depends on group I metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) and protein kinases. Using patch-clamp, live-cell imaging, and behavioral assays, we tested the hypothesis that mitochondrial ROS links group I mGluRs to protein kinase activation to increase neuronal excitability and pain behavior. Agonists for mGluR1/5 (DHPG) or mGluR5 (CHPG) increased neuronal excitability of neurons in the laterocapsular division of the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeLC). DHPG effects were inhibited by an mGluR5 antagonist (MTEP), IP(3) receptor blocker (xestospongin C), or ROS scavengers (PBN, tempol), but not by an mGluR1 antagonist (LY367385) or NO synthase inhibitor (l-NAME). Tempol inhibited the effects of IP(3) but not those of a PKC activator, indicating that ROS activation was IP(3) mediated. Live-cell imaging in CeLC-containing brain slices directly showed DHPG-induced and synaptically evoked mitochondrial superoxide production. DHPG also increased pain-related vocalizations and spinal reflexes through a mechanism that required mGluR5, IP(3), and ROS. Combined application of inhibitors of ERK (U0126) and PKA (KT5720) was necessary to block completely the excitatory effects of a ROS donor (tBOOH). A PKC inhibitor (GF109203X) had no effect. Antagonists and inhibitors alone did not affect neuronal excitability. The results suggest an important role for the novel mGluR5- IP(3)-ROS-ERK/PKA signaling pathway in amygdala pain mechanisms.
PMID: 21248136 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] PMCID: PMC3073477 Free PMC Article
J Neurosci. 2011 Sep 7;31(36):12982-91.
Mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake is essential for synaptic plasticity in pain.
Kim HY, Lee KY, Lu Y, Wang J, Cui L, Kim SJ, Chung JM, Chung K.
Department of Neuroscience and Cell Biology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas 77555-1069, USA.
The increase of cytosolic free Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](c)) due to NMDA receptor activation is a key step for spinal cord synaptic plasticity by altering cellular signal transduction pathways. We focus on this plasticity as a cause of persistent pain. To provide a mechanism for these classic findings, we report that [Ca(2+)](c) does not trigger synaptic plasticity directly but must first enter into mitochondria. Interfering with mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake during a [Ca(2+)](c) increase blocks induction of behavioral hyperalgesia and accompanying downstream cell signaling, with reduction of spinal long-term potentiation (LTP). Furthermore, reducing the accompanying mitochondrial superoxide levels lessens hyperalgesia and LTP induction. These results indicate that [Ca(2+)](c) requires downstream mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake with consequent production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) for synaptic plasticity underlying chronic pain. These results suggest modifying mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake and thus ROS as a type of chronic pain therapy that should also have broader biologic significance.
PMID: 21900577 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] PMCID: PMC3179262 [Available on 2012/3/7]
Dear Esther,
I am sorry but this is nonsense.
I was present when the Norwegian researchers presented their study results.
The improvement was dramatic and was felt to be such by the patients involved.
I accept that it is difficult to interpret the paper so if anyone has any doubts about the findings please get the
Thanks for that OB. 34 to 44 is kind of great... but it certainly isn't a cure!
I'm hopeful about this study... but I think it's possible that we're just seeing a placebo response from an active drug - admittedly, a more impressive placebo response than there was with CBT/GET... but PACE has left me with a lasting cynicism about claims of treating CFS. If it was a real affect then there's a great hope that this would lead on to more real understanding and effective treatments for CFS, even if Rituximab itself is of only limited worth.
Just want to point out that placebo studies generally fail with ME/CFS. So if the patients were real ME/CFS, they probably had no placebo effect.
Esther, have you watched the Norwegian TV video yet? They show one of the responders, a young lady who was very sick for many years and now is an outdoors person with a lot of energy. Very impressive and definitely not something we see from placebo. But I think you make a good point that the AVERAGE gain is definitely not cure (I just posted on that as well). So I agree, this is great hope we are getting more understanding, but Rituximab may not be the best therapy, this direction of inquiry is just starting. If you look at other autoimmune disease that may now be close relatives of ME/CFS (Lupus, Celiac, some liver disorders, etc), there ARE alternative therapies that help many people.
Do you think this work is likely to happen in the US or UK?
But he (Komaroff) hopes the researchers are trying to find biomarkers that can be monitored, to understand what mechanisms in the body that responds to the medication. The researchers in Norway has just got a substantial grant for exactly this kind of work from a philanthropic organization. Their hypothesis is that theres a central autoimmune component in ME/CFS, and that it might be possible to find a specific autoantibody.
Are you gathering data on any of biological markers that might explain Rituximabs effects on CFS such as B-cell levels, the status of EBV infections, NK cell functioning, CD20, CD40, CD69, HLA DR levels in NK/T-cells or levels of TNF-a or IL-10?
Yes, biological spin-off studies are a major part of our effort and we are analyzing how the biological parameters in the intervention group with rituximab are changing compared with the placebo group. The need to harvest biological material sequentially during the study is a reason for not being able to include patients from other parts of our country or the world at large.
Actually I suspect the Lights' studies may add some confirmation to the autoimmunity hypothesis eventually. The details are obviously not worked out yet, but if our autoantibody is in fact the one in the Hawaiian study (anti-mitochondria), then there is already some evidence of linkage between mitochondria function and pain receptors. Here is a study showing a mito-pain mechanism that works through the amygdala (now that is interesting!):
also, this study shows that interfering with mitochondria function alters the pain response:
I find the second study particularly interesting given the known problems in ME/CFS with magnesium/calcium ratios.
Macrophages were more effective at killing leukemia cells following Rituximab treatment in one study. Rituximab also appears to increase macrophage production of IL-10, an important anti-inflammatory cytokine that is sometime increased in CFS. The production of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a), one of the most potent inflammatory cytokines, and one which some researchers think plays a role in CFS, was also reduced in Rituximab treated macrophages.