Article: Where's the Beef? The WPI and the NIH

I completely agree Frickly.
Most companies would want to proudly say they are sponsoring this conference, so why hide it? Are they about to bring out their own blood test? If they did, and the WPI test was pushed to one side, then most of the money will not go back into ME research.
This is all so wrong. i wounder how the WPI feels about not be included the last two conferences. Whats going to happen when the next XMRV conference comes along. Wrong Wrong Wrong.
I will say that when I told one dental assistant that XMRV is a retorivirus like HIV she sort of pulled back from me. So I realize we are going to be getting treated like lepers who may spread that horrible virus to everyone. But too bad. I've been treated so horribly for having a "fake" disease for so long that actually scaring people with a contagious virus is sort of "cool" in an admittedly immature and nasty sort of way. Or maybe because it's more real and I'm no longer a lazy flake but a sick person with a virus.

I agree. Much rather be a social outcast with a real disease, than a social outcast with a 'fake' one. It would be a step or three up from our current status.
Ignore the 'when' and 'if', it's where the information is coming from that's important. We can't trust the DHHS. Who knows which way it will go. However, It's such a big story they are unlikely to stop it.