This is an exercise in "damage control"
It's a sop, like Wessely's acknowledgement of HPS Axis issues, a "get out of jail free" card they can later claim they "
did try, look, see this? We aren't bad guys!"
bah! Typical UK weasel-mouthed, lily-livered crap, sorry.
Establishment here is so rotten, so interwined, so incestous (*) and stupid, it's beyond belief :/
Go read up on the history, not until calamity and an ass kicking occurs, do these scumbags do anything.
For our Colonial Cousins across the Atlantic that would be like after the, ahem, issue with Tea Bags at Boston which the locals won

, the Uk
afterwards had a governmental review showing the obvious truths and how it could all have been avoided or come to a more friendly split with no bloodshed at all, but
NOOOOOO they didn't listen to such issues beforehand from many, many voices, and therefor, we had a war between our own peoples that left lasting troubles for over a century :/
(sorry forget the name of the "report" or commision or whatever it was, sigh, memory's on the fritz as usual, anyway lead ot reform of colonial practices and administration)
(*) not in sexual term, more as in nepotism in a partcularly decietful and long lasting fashion, the "old school tie" network, ensuring friends/relatives work on variosu baords, committees etc that a small number of folk have vast power, alas it's "incestous" as the tight grouping of small number of small minds with such power is very harmful