Subject: A Friend in Need of a Few Minutes of Your Time
Would you please spare just two minutes to help me . . . and 28 million others like me?As you may recall, I have ME/CFS, a disease often called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or myalgic encephalomyelitis. This terribly debilitating disease leaves its victims bedridden for days, weeks and even months at a time. There is no cure yet . . . only hope.The disease is more prevalent than breast cancer, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy . . . combined. Women suffer its ravages far more than men (76% Vs 24%). Most of the afflicted have fibromyalgia as well.I have been afflicted with the disease for years. The impact on my life as well as the millions of others who share my disease has been devastating. You can learn more about ME/CFS in a 1 minute video by clicking on the photo below or going to
I'm contacting you to ask that you take just a few minutes to help our ME/CFS organizations win a Chase bank contest. There's nothing to buy and no obligation.Right now, we have a great opportunity to raise a substantial sum of money to support the organizations who share a mission of service to those afflicted with ME/CFS through the Chase Community Giving contest as Chase is donating over $3million to the top vote getting charities in a Facebook contest.
Here is how you can help:
1. A Facebook page is required. If you dont have one, please sign up for one, it takes just a minute and you can easily delete it after the contest if you wish.
2. Sign into your Facebook Page and then go to the Chase Community Giving page and click the "Like" button at the top of the page.
3. Then, search for each of the organizations shown below, or simply click on the link following their names and click on the "Vote and Share" button.
American Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Inc. (=IACFS/ME)
CFSKnowledgeCenter, Inc.
Massachusetts CFIDS Association, Inc.
New Jersey Chronic Fatigue Association, Inc.
Rocky Mountain CFS/ME and FM Association
Wisconsin Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Association, Inc.
Just one more thing, please forward this message to your family and friends and ask them to vote as well.