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Great find Cort: What is the process by which these nominees are selected? Who votes on them? Do they all show up at the CFSAC this year and then get voted on? Do the previous people vote them in?
Ideas on how this process works?
Great catch! Thanks Cort - M.
DODD: "In the context of XMRV, I think that there is an emergency, but it's a perceptual emergency. And I'm not as well versed in the tools of managing that, but I think that what we need to do is to manage people's reactions rather than people's safety at this point. "
Didn't one of the CAA nominees imply that we could have gotten infected with MULV's from all the treatments we've tried. Am I wrong or was that somebody else? Brain' forgetfull today.:worried:
It's time WE play in this game. We need to know what they are doing and why they pick the people they do. And why don't we have say in this? Taxpayers and all that.
Time to hit CFSAC with emails asking them to explain the process and what the CFS sick input WILL be.
Push on your government. If you don't push, email, scream, make yourself a "gracious" problem, then NOTHING gets done. On one RFP, I called the contract officer no less than about 60 times. She would NOT answer the phone. I emailed her over and over. I was mad as hell since I needed that info and had a right to it. So I found out who her boss was and called that person. It was a dice-roll since I could have made my company look bad and then no matter how good our proposal was, we didn't stand a chance, but, she was not doing her job and I and other contractors needed that info to do our jobs to support the government.
I got the answers I needed and also an apology from her boss. Can't recall if we won or lost, but the apology meant that that part of the Federal government KNEW they had to respond to contractors and the public. Things had changed in the government and they knew they had to be far more responsive to those that they worked for and paid their salaries. So, never forget that - the Feds work for you.
they had nominated at least one of the Authors of the Science Paper. It would be nice to have one person on the committee who has published finding Mulv's in CFS.
An Alter or Lo would have been nice too. None of these nominees are on board with Mulv's definately being in CFS patients. Although Singh may be close hopefully.
Mikovitz would have been my first choice. Ruscetti, Silverman, Alter or Lo also . They have all published the biggest most earthshattering couple of studies on CFS ever! Why not nominate at least one of them?
Lo has even looked into Mycoplasma in CFS previously so you really know where he stands as far as it possible involving pathogens.
Didn't one of the CAA nominees imply that we could have gotten infected with MULV's from all the treatments we've tried. Am I wrong or was that somebody else? Brain' forgetfull today.:worried:
Might be time for us to go person by person and see what they "really" think about CFS and the new retrovirus family. The comment made by Dodd is NOT good. His credentials look good on paper, but we need to know more about comments like that ONE.
Ditto for the others. What's the real dirt on them?
Guess that means we have to go through papers, meetings, hearings, etc. and see what they have said. Having said that, if we do find out that one or some of thse people are NOT want WE want, then what do we do? What say do WE have in any of this???
On paper they look impressive. But the real dirt is what we need. Someone in another post made a comment about Lipkin and why he has done little to nothing about CFS even though he was aware of it going back to the 1980s. True? If true, then why didn't he step in? Fear for his career?
I hate digging for dirt on people but we must have the right people in the right places. Let's start the dirt-digging before CFSAC. Or who knows what we may be stuck with at one of our most crucial times in our disease.