I find this paragraph particularly problematic:If you are scanning the article - and a lot of people do just scan - it looks like Judy has confessed to theft. This is not the case. Max Pfost (who is he? KFG's deleted post) has signed an affidavit saying he took the notebooks on Judy's request. How much pressure he has been under to do this is not known. It is an affidavit as part of the prosecution case. We have yet to hear from the defence.The affidavit was signed on Monday 21st, after Judy was arrested. just saying...
As long as it does not spill over into pathological obsession, a l Simon Wessely.
Typo? Should it be "...working at the WPI,..."?
It would have been nice to see this statement a month agoI have just spoken to David, Judy's husband, who asked me to get the following message out to the patient community. Dr. Mikovits and the WPI are in negotiations right now, and the criticism coming from the patient community towards the WPI is not helping Dr. Mikovits. They ask that everyone please hold off on their criticism of the WPI for the sake of Dr. Mikovits and the negotiations in progre...ss. Many have asked me what they can do to help, and at the moment this is what you can do: please, everyone, despite the strong feelings everyone is experiencing, please back off in the furor being expressed online and in direct contact with the WPI. Please stop and urge your friends to stop. Later today Dr. Mikovits' husband is planning to send a direct message, but for now has asked me to convey this message to all of you. Permission to repost This message has been reviewed and approved by David, husband of Dr. Mikovits.
I really dont think that would be a good idea for her to do.. that would add 'blackmail' to the list I think if she did that.
I want to know why she was trying to get the samples sent to R****** (oh i cant remember his name). Was he in on it?
Wow you really dont like her do you?
It's been a rough, rough couple of months for the WPI and now it looks like they were right all along........
I can't imagine that Ruscetti was aware of this. a) he would be receiving stolen property and b) what could he do with them? Unless he acknowledged that he got them from the WPI - which would implicate him in receiving stolen properties - how could he use them in his lab? Samples and cell lines do not just appear out of the air - in scientific research they all have to come from somewhere and be labeled appropriately.
"The Judge overseeing the case ordered Dr. Mikovits not to leave the state of Nevada until the case was resolved."
But the order does not explicitly forbid Mikovits, who lives in Ventura, California, from leaving the state of Nevada.
I wouldn't say that.
They made a lot of mistakes in all this too. Some of that is understandable, as they were scientific novices, but it does look like there were problems with the way that the WPI was run. Even when I was at my most positive about XMRV, I thought it was a mistake for the WPI to behave in a way which would so undermine them if the finding turned out to be the result of error. It seems like Peterson had similar thoughts, and I'm sure that they were privy to them.
Regardless of how Mikovits has treated the WPI over the last couple of months, they had already done a lot to undermine themselves.
The biggest problem is the damage this does to those new researchers in CFS. One of the medical schools near me was looking at XMRV and now with the issues with WPI and Judy no one wants to touch CFS research. After years of making sure there is grant money and discussing new investigators at the CFSAC meetings, new researchers are no longer interested in field. The local researchers I know have said that this recent issue with WPI and Judy is an example of the "poor quality of science in the field". This has done more damage that most of us realize.
Cort, I'm wondering if you can tell us your source for this, because it contradicts what ScienceInsider said in their article? http://news.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2011/11/controversial-cfs-researcher-arr.html
One of the allegations in Max Pfost's second affidavit Exhibit 2 that I found disturbing was the part about Judy Mikovits asking him to look for materials to discredit Dan Peterson. If true (and bearing in mind that I don't know if Max Pfost is at all credible), that sounds really vindictive.
This whole thing is very disheartening. Regardless of who's at fault, and I suspect there's fault on both sides, it's the patients who are ultimately the losers. This is a disease that doesn't need any more bad press, and this situation is more like a TV melodrama than science at work. No wonder the likes of Trine Tsouderos are jumping on this story; another opportunity to make ME/CFS and the people who suffer from it look bad.
No wonder the likes of Trine Tsouderos are jumping on this story; another opportunity to make ME/CFS and the people who suffer from it look bad.
Please bear in mind folks that, regardless of how you view the impact of Dr Mikowits' past actions on the ME/CFS community, we are very distant observers to this affair and have no way of knowing the truth or otherwise of the various statements.The justice process will take its course.In the meantime please remember when alleging fraud, theft, lying or personality disorders that there are real people's reputations and livelihoods at stake.Personally, unless I had direct knowledge of relevant facts, I'd just keep quiet.
Interesting Ventura County Star latest.http://www.vcstar.com/news/2011/nov/22/world-known-researcher-set-to-be-released-on/