• Welcome to Phoenix Rising!

    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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Article: Phoenix Rising Moving!....to New Forum Package- Evaluators Requested..

Hi Cort

I would be happy to help evaluate the new system.

Let me know if my services are required at any stage.

Best regards

ps If I may, Id like to offer a few observations on the exisiting interface:

- The site has become a victim of its own success! I have been a participant for about a year and during this time I have noticed it is becoming increasingly difficult to search for information as threads digress and often carry valuable information that at times should be included in the sticky's or other threads. I suppose this just reflects human communication. I cannot suggest a solution to this at this stage.

- Search tool: Sometimes searching for a specific item is not possible if that item/issue is abbreviated to a short acronym which the search does not enable. Sometimes this can be a serious limitation, especially if the term is used only/principally as an acronym. Again, difficult to find a solution to this unless the search function only searches for a short acronym if it is only used as a standalone term and excludes results for words that contain the search term.

- Could a thread be created for Brain Fog as this is a major symptom and in my opinion, the most debilitating one. I have experienced extreme fatigue (although never bed ridden) and brain fog and I find brain fog is the most debilitating. The two go hand in hand but there are many posters who say they have brought most of the fatigue under control following various protocols but the brain fog remains. Personally, I am delighted that some research is focusing directly and indirectly via CSF studies and similar (basal ganglia etc) in this area, particularly exploring the immune system and cytokine/fatigue association.
Wow you weren't kidding about that upgrade, it looks nice. I'll second search tool improvement anything that helps us brain fog/fatigue impaired find what were searching for is always good.