All so true Cort - thank you.
I chose my forum name 'PictureofHealth' to make sure I was focused on what I wanted and it would make me think of health. Now you have reminded me that it is the inner heart feeling too, that could benefit from a positive focus every minute of the day. Perhaps I will rename myself 'Pleasure'! - that brings a warm inner glow and light, and would certainly bring a smile to the heart of anyone I met - 'Hi, what's your name?' = instant warmth. (After all, some people are called 'Joy').
I had been practising Transcendental meditation for a decade by the time I got ill, and considered myself pretty adept at it. Although I found a profound peace from doing it morning and night, I was not able to carry the benefits into my day to day working life. And once I got ill, although I was already v practised at it, I was unable to physically sustain sitting and the meditation. I tried to do it lying down but what my body needed overwhelmingly was profound sleep bordering on coma.
The same with Tai Chi - I had already been enjoying this for years, but became physically unable to stand upright and do the gentle movements once I got ill. To me this has always been about hyperstimulation of the nervous system and immune system. I too did the Lightning Process, Amygdala retraining (bought Ashok's home DVD set) as the hyperstimulation and perhaps hyper adrenaline model made so much sense to me - but in the end, although I had great benefits, it did not touch my physical condition and was not remotely curative.
I have also previously tried a number of other healing modalities including Theta healing, Perrin technique (lymphatic clearing), osteopathy, herbs, etc etc etc etc etc.
My current approach is Ho'oponopono, a traditional Hawaiian healing system: "I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, Thank you." Didn't someone always tell us that these were magic words???!!!! (Joe Vitale and Dr Hew Len wrote a book "Zero Limits" about this practice). I love this approach and it has brought a profound sense of feeling connected to parts of me I thought I could not communicate with. In fact, I love it!
It reminds me of the Japanese scientist (?Dr Emoto), who bottled water in a number of different containers and labelled them with different words such as 'Love', 'Joy', 'Thank you' and negative words too. The water which had been bombarded with damaging emotions and thoughts looked polluted and dead, whereas, astonishingly, the other water, in the 'I Love You', Joy, 'Thankyou' and other positively labelled containers produced the most beautiful crystals - all of which he photographed and can be seen on his website.
Bearing this in mind, I will continue with Ho'oponopono. I feel good on mental and emotional levels, yet my body has remained, so far, 'unrepentant'!!!! Perhaps the body is the densest level of existence and the hardest to reach - but I hope its possible eventually. "I love you" sounds like a great vibrational medicine for me and is perhaps, ironically, the one I have always resisted.
So yes, thank you Cort - I can relate to all your wise, wise words and observations.