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Article: ME/CFS Orgs Petition the CDC For Change

This is hopefully the beginning of ME/CFS orgs banding together to effect change -something that Marly Silverman has promoted for years; given that it's no surprise she started this effort.

Phoenix Rising is not on the list of organizations that signed the letter; we had a few issues with it that we couldn't resolve but we definitely support the effort and their intentions and hope to be part of further efforts.......

Congratulations to Marly and the other other organizations for creating the first really integrated advocacy effort that I can remember. And what a great idea with the petition ;)

"Phoenix Rising is not on the list of organizations that signed the letter; we had a few issues with it that we couldn't resolve..."

Who, What, Where, Why, and How please?

Coming soon! We really do support the intent of the letter and wanted a few issues clarified. Unfortunately that wasn't possible so we deferred. We fully expect and look forward to being part of future letters.