Hi Spitfire!
Had a look at your web site. Look awesome. Your are very good at jewelry and the website is great too.
I found your post interesting because of the business aspect with CFS.
I pretty much violently agree with everything you and markmc said.
I myself was an IT guy working overseas when CFS hit.
Now with CFS I have enough enery left for 1 or 2 hours work every day.
So I tried to go self-employed fixing PCs and to make it perfect and optimise every aspect of my work so
it would be easier over time and with experience.
Like you, I think I am very good at what I am doing. I am a bit of a computer whisperer. If the internet is down,
email doesn't come through or PC won't boot then I know where to look and even though there are not
always easy fixes I know the odds of what it could be and what's the best approach.
But how do I market this?????
I am not competitive! I get buggered just driving 20 mins to the customer. Some people have noisy dogs,
kids, phones etc in their homes. Or I get bombarded with a lot of questions, problems, multiple computers
until I am completely washed out for a few days.
I do get some CFS friendly jobs in quiet environments but it varies.
The money would clearly be with offices/businesses but they tend to be more energy zapping because
everything is more urgent and the problems are bigger.
So I do "small-town-domestic-computer-support-showing-the-elderly-how-to-do-a-double-click-on-the-desktop"
type of thing. That sucks!!!
To open my own computer repair shop and hire employees that do the work for me I clearly don't have
the energy. I needs building up, supervision, capital and mental energy that I don't have. On bad days I don't
even want to return phone calls.