You seem to know it all. I suggest that you start writing - write the paper you want to see and send it out. In fact after all these comments I challenge you to do that. - I challenge you to put something on the matt instead of chiming in from the sidelines. How about it?
I would never do such a ridiculous thing, because it would be misleading people, just like you are doing now. Its great that you write blogs Cort, keep doing it. But when you delve into technical details, you don't check your facts. It's not worth it. We need solid science right now, nothing else. We get the else from the other side.
Cort, you're doing a fantastic job here
Sounds like a fair challenge?
Translation: It's easier to lob bombs from the sidelines at your articles than write my own - so NO, I DON'T ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE. I'M TOO AFRAID. And I'm not sufficiently embarrassed enough to walk now with my tail between my legs after turning it down.
Ditto. This site is a miracle for us. THANK YOU.
This is the same tactic as the psych lobby.
I never stooped to the level of a bully in the playground, why would I ever.
The comment is illogical.
If I chose to write an article myself I would get my facts right. That's the easy bit. But why should I do something I have no interest in doing, because you are upset that you are putting out incorrect information. That is a child's game. I will continue to get my information from scientific papers.
I never stooped to the level of a bully in the playground, why would I ever.
I never stooped to the level of a bully in the playground, why would I ever. The comment is illogical.
This is the same tactic as the psych lobby.
>However, I don't think of him at all to have any bile.
Alter has informed us that the WPI's paper has not been replicated, nor has it been bettered. There's is still the gold standard. Why when you are a patient you would in any way derail this research is beyond me.
<snip><snip><snip>However, I don't think of him at all to have any bile.
Alter has informed us that the WPI's paper has not been replicated, nor has it been bettered. There's is still the gold standard. Why when you are a patient you would in any way derail this research is beyond me.
I am looking forward to V99's write up of the next big article to be published.
I was also genuinly shocked at how the facts were incorrect and the correct ones being abused. This is the same tactic as the psych lobby.
This comment by V99 does have the advantage of being true:
You can only compare Cort's tactics to the "psych lobby's" if you assume he intentionally gave wrong information as they do. If anyone feels that way, please express that sentiment in no uncertain terms.
What Cort and V99 have to say is interesting. Two people with different view points and robustly defending each others views points very well I thought. V99 is very worried about consequence of people reading mistakes that are read by people with a bad agenda as she comes from the UK where there is no choice and no trips to Dr Peterson. Cort takes her pressing concerns over accuracy as V99 telling him he is a psychiatrist which understandably was not a nice idea. Who's want to be a psych?!
I see this as a heated discussion, certainly not hateful or attacking anyone. Two heads clashing like rams in the field marking their territory and snorting. What is important is Cort and V99 understand each others view points, that through lots of repeated emphasis, now they do. Often to get a situation cleared it takes pleasentries to be dropped and facts and demands stated. That was done, and it was worth it for both sides. We, the viewers get a better article and V99 is less at threat by the UK psych's who do read this forum and actually take facts off it and put in newspapers. This is V99's point. I can see Cort would be irritated at apparent baiting and criticism, but it's actually an insistance rather than purposeful mean behaviour and personal criticism. Cort wrote the article and may feel hurt, V99 sees words and see's science and facts from science papers, rather than Cort's 'work'. It is Cort's work he wrote it, for sure, but there is no malice with intent to trash Cort's hard work behind V99's posts but a goal. Let me explain.
Not too long ago, Wessely's buddy wrote an article claiming many people were taking ARV's online. Indeed at the time, it was one person on this forum and this person never even proved it. Still, Wessely's friend pounced on this and used this an excuse to not treat UK patients with ARV'S even when testing positive for XMRV. (Incredibly). Again the psych spies read another fact about UK patients getting tested at VIPDX, read a thread (which had a mistake), read the wrong facts on here and reported it in the newspaper in the UK. So V99's apparent OCD on getting things right, for her in the UK does actually have a knock on effect for her and the UK community over here. 1 person became 'lots of people taking ARV's in the press. This forum was used a source of knowledge, and the psych's lied in the national press. They can do it again and they will.
So what I'm trying to say, is V99's persistant pressing manner is based on real consequences that have already happened. The psych's will read ANYTHING that helps their cause and stop UK patients getting even the most basic drugs for pain and neuro symptoms by discounting XMRV/MULV and keeping us folk here in a state of house arrest. In other words, V99 is having to be forceful in continually demanding every single piece of mistake in an article is fixed, because she and 250,000 people stand to lose another decade of life if the WPI's message fails in being delievered to its maximum effect in the UK. In the USA, with money you have some limited choices in health care, but in the UK the psych's own the disease and will make darn sure they do not lose the hold on power.
If two cases of this forum have already been used in the press over here by psych jay walkers, then more bad things can happen, especially as something as important as XMRV/MULV. If you understand what it's like to be in his country, V99's apparent OTT responses to Cort, actually begin to make sense even if they are 'in ya face' in the process. The problem is how else does one get their urgency of accuracy accross in a very limited time frame, but be nose to nose? It's unfortunate, but desperate times lead people to get fired up when their life and future is at stake.
I'd say this is much more about science and not V99 vs Cort. It's simply science and what science can be used for by bad people. We need science to be used by good people, so it has to be the best it can be, platinum not gold.
Lily and Sunshine,
I get that the psych lobby in the UK will jump on anything but if they are as prone to lying, exaggeration and fabrication as you claim (and I have no doubt that they are), they don;t need Cort or anyone else to try and carry out their agenda. So they took one person posting here and turned her into a mob of people taking ARVs? Should we close down PR because it will be used as a tool by the UK psych lobby?
The problem in the UK is a lot larger than PR. The problems in the UK are not going to go away no matter how accurate and unassailable any here is in their posts. If Cort is the best the UK has in the way of "science" you're in worse shape than I imagined because I've never read anything that Cort has written as "science." His summaries are fair, even handed, infallible, and always well intentioned.
There has to be room for discussion and dialog and differing opinions without dragging out the accusations of using "tactics," intentionally lying, and comparisons to the "psych lobby."
The situation isn't going to improve in the UK (or the US) just because we refuse to assume good faith amongst each other we insist on character attacks. The lack of civility has its own costs for a large number of PR members (and this behavior in itself provides grist for the psych lobby's mill everywhere).
Good first step GHK. Now let's go further. Please explain what possible motivation a man who suffers from CFS like the rest of us, who has devoted his time, resources and energy creating this powerhouse of an advocacy forum, the likes of which has never existed before in the history of the illness, might have in purposefully falsifying information that could help cure him and us one day.