Same but different: CFS is never ME or XMRV
The bottom line is this:
Cort does not believe CFS is a single neurological disease caused by one agent. Cort does promote stories about 'recovery' in CFS which goes against current medical knowledge about neuro immune disease. CFS, however, is not a neuro immune disease, (look at the diagnostic criteria). Cort is free to do this, it's his website not anyone elses. CFS includes people with unspecific reasons for having CFS. This is understandable. This is Cort's reason for his articles written supporting biopsychosocial explanations of CFS. It's Cort's decision.
Cort's acceptance of CFS being made better by 'anything' (entirely possible as CFS is 'anything' not a disease)
this makes people with ME/neurological disease who were wrongly told they have CFS and who erroneously use the label CFS to describe their neuro immune disease, blow up in fury. This is understandable.
The CDC have cruelly forced people with neuro immune disease to tell others, (and their doctors to tell them) they have CFS. The fact is, people with neuro immune disease CFS (of the Nancy Klimas/Dan Peterson/Cheney variety) exceed the diagnostic criteria for CFS, unless using Canadian Consensus definition which the authorities refuse to accept or use. There is no way out. The American health department refuse to accept the ICD-10 G93.3 coding and classification of Benign Myalgic Encephalomyeltiis, or ME as well. So people use the CFS, even if they don't have it. No other choice in America.
This creates a massive problem for patients both in a clinical setting, and even communicating with and amongst each other. 'We' (brand CFS) do not share the same abnormalities, symptoms, or disablities because as 'CFS' patients, there is no diagnostic test to confirm ANYTHING AT ALL. Meaning....................
i) People with CFS
with neuro immune disease are allowed to use the label CFS and think themselves as having CFS. Cort supports these people.
ii) People with CFS
without neuro immune disease are allowed to use the label CFS and think themselves as having CFS. Cort supports these people.
Ironically by Cort trying to be accepting of both sides of CFS, he meets the adoration and yet still the ire of many. The is unfortunate for Cort and unfortunate for people very ill who do not want anything said by influencial people (or read by influencial people) that will jeopardise their medical state. This observation encapsulates the entire V99 debate. It is non arguable, simple fact.
The only way to stop irritation on both sides, is for there to be a diagnostic test for CFS, or for a neuro immune disease linked to XMRV/MULV.
As XMRV/MULV approaches fruition, the biological disease 'camp' of CFS (the ME patients) thus want no more talk of Lightning Process/Gupta, which Cort promotes
due to his free choice in doing this. The problem is until CFS diagnosis is changed, then indeed Lightning Process/Gupta can 'cure' some cases of fatigue states who have been told also they have a CFS. CFS is not a disease, it contains people who have a disease, but not all. So it's always going to be a circular argument on an ME CFS forum. Take ME out of the name ME/CFS, and then it won't. ME people will naturally side with biological disease causing agents as the single cause of their disease. They need it. People happy with CFS, and whose lives are not in risk of dying from 'CFS' do not need a single cause. Of note, the moderators on this forum side with the CAA view on CFS and often correct ME people who are pointing out psychological theories about CFS. This is Cort's choice, nothing to do with us. It could be if we pay to use this website. It's free, we don't pay.
A simple way to stop all the upset would be to rename this website/forum, and host this forum on (taking out the 'ME') I am not sure this technically possible without moving the forum, and buying a new domain name for many $$$.
At the end of the day ME/CFS is always going to be like saying MS/CFS, or Parkinson's/CFS. Remember,
the person to blame for 'CFS' is not Cort or his detractors but the psychiatric profession and the CDC.
THE CDC CAUSED THIS TO HAPPEN. They KNEW the consequences. We reap the consequences as both ME and CFS patients.
There is no way to prevent personal bias and belief systems of what 'CFS' is, entering an online forum be these biological/psychological, or a bit of both. If one camp sides with another, the other camp will not be happy. This has happened and continues to happen. It cannot fundamentally be addresed due to the above information. All we can do in the mean time until the CDC reclassify CFS or create a new XMRV/MULV disease label is to possibly make it clear our own beliefs, when replying to people or making posts.
Cort, to his credit did this with a poster who was upset why he promoted an article on the Lighting Process (LP) on this forum. Cort gave his answer, and for clarity here it is:
''I'm going to draw the line where I always draw it: if people with CFS benefit from any therapy they are welcome to portray it here.''
Cort went on to say
I suspect that there are a going to be a percentage of people who do very well on LP. The reason I suspect that is that it seems to be true for people trying all sorts of protocols from the methylation protocol, antivirals, antibiotics, hormone therapy, homeopathics, to stems cells etc...some people will do very, very well on each of them and most people will do less well or not well. This is very wide disorder with all sorts of subsets and each of them is worthy of discussion. In the next couple of weeks, for instance, I'm going to present blogs on people who significantly improved using pregnenolone and 5-HTP.
Cort has been honest in openly telling people his position on CFS, and there you have it. It may have been seen by more people had it not been in an article response comment but it was written and not secret or hidden. I suspect Cort's views fall inline with the CFIDS Association of America, although I do not know that unless Kim McCleary says so. The CAA doing this I feel could 'de-fuse' any confusion over if Cort is indeed an un-named CAA spokesperson or simply a 'fan' of the CAA, which some people feel could be more likely. There is no crime in being a 'fan' of any single CFS support group although it may be useful to state it so people know!
The only thing we can do is sit it out, correct mistakes (by anyone) in scientific reporting (how this debate started and what V99 did), and to make more clear our own personal views on CFS and ME when getting into discussions. This would save pages and pages of to and fro tennis match type debates where both sides cannot compromise. Why should they compromise? All we need is transparency, rather than fangirls and fanboys cheering for match point and the winners trophy.
In an ideal world of ten thousand word paragraphs we could state our views on CFS , such as:
I believe CFS to be an illness that encompasses many fatigue states
I believe CFS to be a neuro immune disease that is most likely caused by an infectious agent leading to neuro immune disease that cannot be treated with psychological rehabilitation methods such as CBT/LP etc, or any other unproven method.
To keep the peace, we don't do this. We (myself included) constantly interchange CFS and ME/CFS, as we have no other way to describe what we are trying to say within a sentence. Lets try and remember this, that
we are not a unified body of diseased people both here at Phoenix Rising and at home, just people with a label. For many this label does not or will not cost them their life, and for others it will and already has as they are dead. That is THE ever pressing and present reason V99 and other people want pin sharpe accuracy on scientific facts, less CAA bias, and less LP psycho stuff. Yet this isn't possible. Cort has made his choice that apparently mirror's that of the CAA. For fans of the CAA, why not have CAA bias? For them it's their choice and very sensible.
So to conclude, some brief thoughts:
All people who are very sick can do is to keep correcting errors in reporting on XMRV/MULV and I'm sure they will!.... until people with ME or neuro immune disease have a new label once the WPI/FDA work progresses. Situations like this will happen it's human nature to defend ones's self (on both sides).
All people with fatigue syndromes and CDC critera CFS can do is to appreciate the fact that people in
their CFS camp with ME, have a single disease that makes them very very ill and so they will be often 'anti' holistic or psychological or unproven therapies, and anti CAA. Not because these ME people wish to upset you or Cort or the CAA, but because
they are trapped in the wrong illness diagnosis and desperately need help after decades (literally) of not being able to go outside, leave the local town to maybe get a hair cut or travel to see relatives or attempt to have even basic ability to form friendships and relationships that severe neuro immune disease stops.
At the end of the day if you have friends/relatives/lovers/children who have died of 'CFS' then you will be furious of thoughts of psychological rehab or other wacky theories for 'CFS'. This is no different than theories on psychological rehab or other wacky theories for HIV/AIDS.
If we understand each other, we can be mindful of each other's
reasons for taking the stances we do. Then we can be less disturbed by them and tolerate each other's polar views and allow each side to have their say. If, however, these views are illogical or factually in error, or at risk of harming people during this very sensitive political time we find ourselves in, then people can and surely willl point them out.