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hi Nila, 42 years? Im so sorry to hear that. It is a disgrace that peoples lives are just let to waste away like this without anyone doing anything to even try to help. again I am sorry. you/we deserve better. Its been the best part of a year now since this xmrv thing came to light and we still dont know a damned thing. It is an absolute joke. what the hell is going on? This makes me so angry.
You have an error (don't know if it was yours, soundtrack problems or a slip on the researcher's part):
"Simply by exchanging the guanine bases in the retroviral sequences to alanin APOBEC3 stops the virus from replicating. "
Guanine (G) would be changed to adenine (A), not alanine which is an amino acid (protein component.) I think your readers still get the idea, a G to A transition.
Thanks for your continued reporting - you consistently get the best overviews I have seen.
Gerald R. Campbell, Ph.D.