Dr Coffin seems now to be clearly in the contamination/recombinant camp, yet this piece from 1997 shows that he knows full well about the wide host range, specificity, recombinant characteristics and pathogenicity.
"Retroviruses are unique among animal viruses in that some groups exhibit considerable polymorphism in receptor usage among otherwise closely related viruses. Relatively minor differences in ASLV Env sequences alter the biological properties of the ASLV protein, changing the receptor to which the virus binds and changing its host range
"The nomenclature for the MLV host range is more complicated, with viruses defined as ecotropic (infecting only mouse cells), xenotropic (infecting only cells other than mouse) polytropic, or amphotropic, depending on the species distribution of suitable receptors. Viruses of both the latter two groups can infect both mouse and non mouse cells of many species"
"The sequences that determine the host range have been mapped to the amino-terminal region of SU. Because of the large numbers of MLV env genes in the mouse genome MLV recombinants carrying altered env sequences arise frequently in the mouse
and these recombinants have a central role to play in pathogenesis"
http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=...QQ6AEwBw#v=onepage&q=mlv recombinants&f=false
Page 57, column one.