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Article: Blood Products Advisory Committee Meeting Announcement (BPAC) December 14-15, 2010

:headache: For a variety of reasons I'm particularly cognitively impaired at the moment and appear to be unable to string together more than a couple of coherent sentences. **sigh**

I have a number of friends who might be interested in registering for this Webinar if I could email them a short note explaining what it's about in layman's terms -- but my mush-for-brains is failing dismally.

If anyone is up for composing a note I could use, I'll send it out and possibly get another half-dozen registerers....

:headache: For a variety of reasons I'm particularly cognitively impaired at the moment and appear to be unable to string together more than a couple of coherent sentences. **sigh**

I have a number of friends who might be interested in registering for this Webinar if I could email them a short note explaining what it's about in layman's terms -- but my mush-for-brains is failing dismally.

If anyone is up for composing a note I could use, I'll send it out and possibly get another half-dozen registerers....


I adapted this from the registration page information:

The Blood XMRV Scientific Research Working Group is conducting studies to evaluate whether XMRV poses a threat to blood safety. In this webinar, Graham Simmons, PhD, and Michael Busch, MD, PhD, of Blood Systems Research Institute and University of California-San Francisco will provide an update on the Working Group studies, including results from Phase II, as well as future retrospective repository and prospective screening studies of XMRV in US blood donors and recipients. Steven H. Kleinman, BSc, MD, of University of British Columbia, and a member of the Working Group, will serve as moderator for the discussion.

I hope this helps!
I adapted this from the registration page information:

The Blood XMRV Scientific Research Working Group is conducting studies to evaluate whether XMRV poses a threat to blood safety. In this webinar, Graham Simmons, PhD, and Michael Busch, MD, PhD, of Blood Systems Research Institute and University of California-San Francisco will provide an update on the Working Group studies, including results from Phase II, as well as future retrospective repository and prospective screening studies of XMRV in US blood donors and recipients. Steven H. Kleinman, BSc, MD, of University of British Columbia, and a member of the Working Group, will serve as moderator for the discussion.

I hope this helps!

Thanks so much! I'll get this right out.
Can I say the FDA's Blood XMRV Scientific Research Working Group?

Sorry, nothin's workin' above stairs today -- memory, processing..... **sigh**

Later: I went with DHHS Blood XMRV.... Hoping that's accurate.
I think that spells it out very well.........

I hope they are SHOCKED, JUST SHOCKED at how many people sign up for the webinar.

I hope they think (&(#!! We need to keep moving on this

Letter for friends/family re: BWG Webinar

Got on a roll once jspotila jump-started my writing ability. This is what I have. Can anyone find errors or suggest improvements before I send this out?

Friends and Family,

As many of you know, K and I have been struggling with the neuro-immune illness ME/CFS for more than 5 years. A virus, XMRV, has recently been found to be highly correlated with this disease. The Department of Health and Human Services Blood XMRV Scientific Research Working Group has studying whether XMRV poses a risk to the nation's blood supply. The Blood Products Advisory Committee yesterday voted to advise the FDA to defer ME/CFS patients from donating blood. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704694004576020321854485688.html

Since XMRV may be implicated in several cancers, MS, fibromyalgia, ME/CFS, and other neuro-immune diseases, the results of the work done by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Blood XMRV Scientific Research Working Group are important not just to those of us with these illnesses, but to the population at large.

DHHS has expressed interest in the number of people who register for/attend this webinar on the BWG study as a way of gauging the community's interest in the study. Please register for this free Webinar as a show of support for those of us suffering from these illnesses and our desire to prevent possible further spread via our nation's blood supply. You need not listen to the seminar on Friday, but please do so if you are interested in what the Working Group is doing to evaluate whether XMRV poses a risk to the blood supply.

The DHHS Blood XMRV Scientific Research Working Group is conducting studies to evaluate whether XMRV poses a threat to blood safety.

In this webinar, Graham Simmons, PhD, and Michael Busch, MD, PhD, of Blood Systems Research Institute and University of California-San Francisco will provide an update on the Working Group studies, including results from Phase II, as well as future retrospective repository and prospective screening studies of XMRV in US blood donors and recipients. Steven H. Kleinman, BSc, MD, of University of British Columbia, and a member of the Working Group, will serve as moderator for the discussion.

Hi everyone, for those in Australia (Brisbane) this is at 4am Saturday, which fits in well with my sleep at the moment. For everyone else, the registration page has a box to click for your local time zone so you don't have to think much. Bye, Alex