Apparently this mutual relationship goes only one way. I posted this link on the CAA page and one minute later they took it down.
"We have two charities that help ME/CFS elgible in the Chase contest. YAH!!!! We can vote for both. Double YAH!!!
1. Cfids Association- go here
2. Whittemore Peterson Institute go here
In the upper left corner click "like", then click vote and allow. Your'e done! Then smile cause you just got one step closer to a cure.
So it's ok for people to post on the on WPI wall to vote for CAA. But it's not ok for people to post vote for WPI on The CAA wall. This seems very unfair. I didn't say anything out of line, I even listed both organizations. I've been helping both WPI and CAA get votes. Needless, to say, I am angry. Just try posting anything mentioning Whittemore Peterson Institute on CAA wall and it will be removed in seconds. I thought we were working together now!!!