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Are dopamine and serotonin involved in COVID-19 pathophysiology?


Senior Member
All hormones can be tested https://www.questdiagnostics.com/site-search-results?keyword=Hormones. Although some US insurance will not pay for it unless ordered by endocrinologists.

I have been on a wild ride with hormone supplements suggested or prescribed by psychiatrists and non of them worked or even did more harm. SSRIs on top of low cortisol and folate deficiency were a complete disaster.
In retrospect, I would never again take any medication, especially hormones, in any form without a valid test.

In my long years (since 1979) with corticotropic insufficiency, I have learned to trust only endocrinologists.
A Catecholamine Test plus cortisol would be the best beginning. In some cases, an ACTH test or extended tests will be added.
In some cases, an MRI is necessary to exclude pituitary tumors.


Senior Member
@SWAlexander Thanks but i am not really following what you say. These arent hormones plus why must any issue be in the HPA axis? I will read some of your other posts, perhaps youve answered that elsewhere

I really don´t know how to explain without writing a long essay.
maybe this could help:

Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis suppression after treatment with glucocorticoid therapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

Regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical stress response

vision blue

Senior Member
@Violeta Brilliant! I was hoping you'd catch the same thing I did and didn't want to give it away ahead of time! i will PM you. HOpe that's ok. Thanks.

vision blue

Senior Member
@SWAlexander I should clarify that i know HPA axis disruption CAN be involved in tons of things but was balking at the wording that it HAS to be. Anyway, i'll ignore that part of it and look at your other stuff. thanks.