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Are CDC classifying CFS under "emerging infectious diseases"


Senior Member
http://www.cdc.gov/fmo/topic/Budget Information/appropriations_budget_form_pdf/FY2013_CDC_CJ_Final.pdf

Department of Health and Human Services. Fiscal year 2013.
Emerging Infectious Diseases (-$2.425 million)
The FY 2013 budget request includes a decrease of $2.425 million for emerging infectious diseases below the FY 2012 level. This request includes funds to focus on necessary activities for prion disease and reflects a reduction due to a decrease in global public health risk of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Due to completion of population-based studies to address Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, the proposal also includes reduced funding that will shift focus of CDC’s activities to patient and provider education and clinic-based studies.

Check out page 12 and 94.
(Courtesy of another forum)

Clould be that this inclusion simply relates to the past budgetary allocation for XMRV.
below the FY 2012 level. (my bold)
However the document is for next year 2013 - so it does suggest that CFS could now be seen as an infectious disease.


Senior Member
Oh. So it is an emerging infectious disease, but since they already know everything relevant about it, they're reducing funding?!?

What are they smoking over there, and where can I get some of it?


Senior Member
Sth Australia
. Due to completion of population-based studies to address Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, the proposal also includes reduced funding that will shift focus of CDC’s activities to patient and provider education and clinic-based studies..

By the mention of shifting CDC focus to "clinic-based studies" Does that mean they wish to focus on doing just CBT studies? **sighs** The CDC will never change.