Do you mean £700 just for the B12 shots?
I don't know in the UK but if you buy it in Belgium you can buy a loooooot of shots for that price:
That's about €2,80 per shot.
For me the tests were the most expensive part, especially the first round of tests, later he only tests the irregularities and it becomes more affordable.
Yes, I know it's the 10mg B12, that's what KDM usually prescribes to his patients, the one I linked to is the same.Hi this was for 20 x 10 mg vials of b12 for injection. Chemist wouldn't believe it was's a high dose injection.
HI @collie
From what I can see mostly everyone gets lyme disease diagnosis.
According to him, a drug which is currently on phase 3 (Gilead Sciences) will be able to diminish directly the LPS. It will be on the market in 2019.