I started writing a little FAQ to go with the
Input/corrections/additional questions welcome
this is what I have so far:
Are these steps the same for both SSI and SSDI?
Yes, the application is exactly the same for both programs, and you apply the exact same way. The only difference is one financial form. If you are applying for SSI you will need to fill out a financial form and have a phone interview about your finances. Here's
what you need to know about SSI and finances.
Are these steps the same for Long Term Disability through my employer?
No. Unfortunately, I do not know a lot about LTD regulations. I have been told that having a supportive doctor and great doctor visits is really important for LTD. Please take a look at steps two and three above, they will help

I cannot comment with confidence on the other steps (input is welcome!). Here's some great links I got from someone who won his claim:
Why are you calling it CFS? Are you in the dark ages?
“Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” is what Social Security calls it. This is just my opinion: I would suggest writing this on your application materials and encouraging your doctor to do the same. This may irritate you, but believe me it will irritate you more if your claim is denied because your Claims Examiner is confused.
Someone at Social Security told me I can’t get on for CFS or it’s nearly impossible to get on or CFS doesn’t exist or I am not eligible to apply
Let it go. People at Social Security say weird shit all the time. As far as I can tell the people who answer the 800 number are customer service reps who
spend most of their days giving out wrong information.
They may be super nice people who are really encouraging and supportive, or they may be super mean people who make you feel hopeless. Either way, means nothing.
Just put together the best possible application, and your claim will be approved. Eyes on the prize.
Where can I learn more about the Social Security ruling on CFS?
Here’s a
link to the ruling. Be warned, it is going to make your head hurt.
I have also put together this
written-in-plain-English list with just the Medical Signs & Symptoms from the ruling.
There is a
great article on explaining more details of this ruling at the Massachusetts CFIDS website. Unfortunately, they have left out the section on diagnostic symptoms. I am sure this was just an editing mistake. I have sent them an email so hopefully they can add this back in (or maybe it will already be back in by the time you read this). Other than that, there are lots of good suggestions here.