How were you cleared from your allergies?
With something similar to what you're getting, but also a bit different. The first intervention was much the same, done using an accu-stim acupressure device down the spine while holding the offending vials and breathing deeply. The principle here is that your body has developed the allergy/sensitivity by association - it associates exposure with feeling weakened - and this very simple intervention convinces the nervous system that it can be exposed and feel strong at the same time.
It this works, it works instantly. The problem is that this alone, doesn't hold. The allergy will return. I am guessing that your practitioner is following up this kinesthetic treatment with a conventional homeopathic allergy remedy, the latter being all that a homeopath would do. Combining the two approaches presumably helps the treatment hold.
I got treated in two separate phases a couple of years apart (the first lot for environmentals, the second lot for digestives and chemicals) by what I think is represented
here in your part of the world, and between those phases the clinic had altered its method of trying to make the treatment hold. The first time they had some electromagnetic mat on the treatment table that they fired up after doing the acupressure. The second time, by which time I had noticed a couple of my environmental allergies returning, they said that they'd realised this was happening and had adopted a completely different method.
What they do now is start with the regular acupressure treatment, then they do a second round of testing with a set of vials representing the body's different organ systems (the Chinese medical ones, I believe). When they do this, they will find that one or more organ systems will still react to the allergen. They identify which organ system(s) react and repeat the treatment with the patient additionally holding a vial for the organ system.
In my case I don't seriously expect all these treatments to hold while my physiology remains fluffed up, since if my body's distressed it's perfectly placed to learn new weakening associations with anything it's exposed to. But it's two years since the second phase and they've held pretty well.
Back to your case, if your guy has to treat you again for the same thing within weeks or months, his method isn't holding for you. If he's constantly finding additional things you're reacting to, and you're getting a three-day burst after each one I'd keep going back until either I felt better, he couldn't find anything else wrong, or I had to conclude I was allergic to absolutely everything and trying to solve it that way was futile. I must have had about 20 allergies/sensitivities (including to my own digestive enzymes!), nothing to do but plough through them until there are none left to find. Clearing them didn't solve all my problems, but it has made my other problems easier - and hopefully possible - for other modalities to solve.