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Apollo Neuro

hey folks

anyone use the applo Neuro device?
seems to claim that it can increase heart rate variability, improve sleep, all sorts of good nervous system stuff.

have seen on reddit pretty mixed reviews, but wanted to know about peeps with ME.


Senior Member
I use it and wouldn't be without it for sleep. I've had mine for almost 3 years. It doesn't do the trick alone but in conjunction with the other stuff I take, it really really helps me. Especially with getting back to sleep in the night. In addition, I find it extremely helpful in terms of ratcheting down an overstimulated SNS. Not quite on a par with benzos, but a big help none-the-less.

I believe they are starting some research into its value for people with LC, so more info may be forthcoming that will apply to all of us. The device is expensive but there is a return policy, I am pretty sure, within 30 days, so the risk is not huge.

Here is a thread on it with more info: https://forums.phoenixrising.me/threads/sympathetic-stuck-on-on.82340/
I use it and wouldn't be without it for sleep. I've had mine for almost 3 years. It doesn't do the trick alone but in conjunction with the other stuff I take, it really really helps me. Especially with getting back to sleep in the night. In addition, I find it extremely helpful in terms of ratcheting down an overstimulated SNS. Not quite on a par with benzos, but a big help none-the-less.

I believe they are starting some research into its value for people with LC, so more info may be forthcoming that will apply to all of us. The device is expensive but there is a return policy, I am pretty sure, within 30 days, so the risk is not huge.

Here is a thread on it with more info: https://forums.phoenixrising.me/threads/sympathetic-stuck-on-on.82340/
interesting! Thanks for the reply.

nothing should work like benzos :)
I'm sure this device doesn't cause addiction or withdrawal either tho yes?
I use it and wouldn't be without it for sleep. I've had mine for almost 3 years. It doesn't do the trick alone but in conjunction with the other stuff I take, it really really helps me. Especially with getting back to sleep in the night. In addition, I find it extremely helpful in terms of ratcheting down an overstimulated SNS. Not quite on a par with benzos, but a big help none-the-less.

I believe they are starting some research into its value for people with LC, so more info may be forthcoming that will apply to all of us. The device is expensive but there is a return policy, I am pretty sure, within 30 days, so the risk is not huge.

Here is a thread on it with more info: https://forums.phoenixrising.me/threads/sympathetic-stuck-on-on.82340/
have you tried a vagus nerve stimulator?
just wondering if it feels similar or works in a similar way..
:lol::lol::lol: So true...

Free of those dangers as far as I know!

I haven't. Somewhat curious but not the focus of my current investigations/trials. Have you?
yeah I've got a tvns and it does work pretty well.
at first I used it as prescribed by them and it was much too much.
but now using it only for a few minutes at lowest setting is good stuff.
helps relax and such so long as I don't overuse.